Explanation for those who might not know already:
This is an idea I’ve had for quite a while now, but never seem to get my butt kicked to actually make happening. But now is the time to start the preparations!!!!
1. We’ll host a big cyber event here at Lifecruiser – a bloody marvelous Cyber Cruise!
2. There will be a lot of activities, preparations starts now, before the cruise and later on the cruise and maybe even afterwards.
3. The destinations will be revealed later too – let’s just say that it will be to several destinations all over the world!
4. There will be sightseeing, entertainment, music, dancing, gambling and contests or awards involved. Whatever we feel like!
5. We’ll have a lot of fun, witty, party-pro A-Team Cruisers (see the sidebar) and A-Swab Team members aboard during the cruise.
6. Wanna come you too? Step 1: Everybody has to start in the A-Swab Team first to be guaranteed a bed in a berth on the ship. Link to us directly (no meme blogroll). Tell us about it in an email. Be crazy and we’d love to have you with us
7. There will be first class tickets on the cruise for the A-Team Cruisers, plus some other advantages, but the A-Swab Team will still have a funny and comfortable trip with us.
8. Wanna be an A-Team Cruiser? Visit us, comment, write posts about our events, make an application in the next admission round! We’d love to have you with us
9. There’s still some first class tickets available, but only for extra ordinary behaviour (use your fantasy!) or achievements in upcoming events and maybe a lottery…. You’ll never know what we’re up to!
10. There will be a Cruise Ball which probably will nearly sink this ship! The Dom Perignon (read giggle water will be flooding!
11. In the meantime: Help us spread the word about the cruise and you’ll get bonus points or special mentioning or some other surprise
12. I did hold an admission round earlier for becoming an A-Team Cruiser.If you missed it, there will be several like that during the year.
13. Check out which 13 A-Team Cruisers that made it in this time in the post Welcome 13 new A-Team Cruisers – or the others too in our sidebar. Start to mingle!
- Stay tuned to get the exact date for the cruise!!!
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments
Want to participate in Thursday Thirteen?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
clever, very clever idea.
Lifecruiser: Not only clever, but FUN!!!!! That’s actually the main purpose. There is too few amusements for the moment
Ohhhhhhhh I’m beginning to think this CRUISE is all talk and NO action! When do SET SAIL already??? And if I have stay in port sooooooooooo long at least pass the Dom!
Lifecruiser: I’m very glad to hear your impatience and eager to set sail’s Melli
That will come in handy for me when I’m gonna ask for some assistance from my A-Team Cruisers….
when do WE? when do WE set sail??? Sheeeeeesh… if I could only learn to talk… it’s the DOM I tell ya! Blame it all on the DOM!
Lifecruiser: *lol* It’s so wonderful to see how you already long for it! But this is a BIG cruise ya know and it takes some preparations to get it all right – read luxurous!!!!!
That sounds fun! It’s sad that I can’t join. I don’t even know if I have the time for it. Anyway, rest assured I’ll be dropping by.
Thanks for the visit.
Lifecruiser: Ah, that’s a pity, we weould have loved to have you with us
Well, well, maybe next time?
Sometimes in life I have to admit that I am stupid or better ignorant. I really don’t know what a Cyber cruise is ! I only know Cyber cafés and that’s where you have internet connection. Can you enlighten me ?
Lifecruiser: A cyber cruiser is a faked cruise that takes place on the internet in the blogosphere instead of reality – but it simulates all the realistic things, at least in this case
It’s all about to play and have FUN to be exact!
I really don’t know how to explain it further. Any one else that can come to rescue here?
Dom Perignon? Dom Perignon!!! *slurp*
I´ll bring some strawberries, about a ton or so =)
Lifecruiser: Oh my, I may have to build an even bigger cargo for this…. *lol*
I think I’m on the A-team now. So I can have a bed and will travel!
what do I need to pack? This sounds so exciting!
Lifecruiser: Hm. Very light packing, we’ll have plenty opportunities to shop during the cruise…. You’ll be getting more info later
What a fun idea,not sure I will have time to take part though, Happy Thursday.
Lifecruiser: That’s a pity, we’ll miss you
Welcome back anyway!
I’ll do my best to make sure there’s enough toilet paper and a handy plunger on deck! Then again, we can always do our business overboard in the event of a serious crisis. Oh yes, I almost forgot – a bottle of fine cognac could make a nice interior decoration piece for the cabin too
Lifecruiser: See, I know that you would be dandy to have aboard
What a neat and clever idea.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT’ing!
(“)_ (“)Å
Lifecruiser: Thanks Raggedy – why not hop along with us?
Gotta hide a Dom all to myself so I can forget I get sea sick, lol!
Lifecruiser: Noted in the captains loggbook. Mar needs extra cargo of Dom’s…. *lol*
will there be a plank??? for those of us who dont make the cut??? Or the naughty ones on the ship…..
Any pirates???
Lifecruiser: Of course there will be a plank! No cruise without it! and there will be lot of naughty ones on this ship! *LMAO* Pirates too probably…. Or maybe they’ll attack us? OH NO!
Actually just sitting here slurping the Dom… Oh and did someone mention cognac? As I was saying just waiting for the cruise to cast off isn’t bad. But then us old folks have learned the fine art of doing nothing.
Lifecruiser: You’re so RIGHT Dave, that’s the way – ENJOY your Dom – shall I fill up again? *lol*
such an ambitious undertaking and a really cute idea!
Lifecruiser: So WHY don’t you come too Carmen? You love to travel IRL, so why not this cyber cruise? We’d love to have you with us, you know that don’t you? All that it takes is a little linklove or cruiselove as I might call it
…and having fun of course, but you seem to have no proeblem with that! *lol*
Sounds like fun! I hope to make it!
Happy T13.
Lifecruiser: It will be for sure! Welcome – the first step is to link directly to Lifecruiser, the second step is to visit us to read the news and to comment, the third will be to come aboard when we’ll cruise
Lifecruiser: Yes, we do hope that you’ll join us on the cruise
We’ll have FUN.
Well, I’ve started the cruise as a bird. If you don’t believe it, you know where to look:))
Lifecruiser: Good idea – just look out for the ship cat’s !!!!!! *lol*
Ready to play and have fun – as a matter of fact I can hardly wait:shock:
Lifecruiser: Every one seem to be very unpatient to set sails…. *lol* That’s a good thing though, but it does demand a lot of preparations before we go!!! I’ll tell you about it…. later… *lol*
Dom? WOo Hoo! Light packing? I expect we will be docking in some wonderful ports to shop, right? I can hardly wait! I need a cruise about now!!
Lifecruiser: You got it! Exactly!
Hot Passion, hmmm, I love the new header!
I will have to do my next post all about the Cruise. I can’t wait I am ready for a good trip. Give me plenty of notice you know I have trouble keeping up these days! LOL
I will keep an eye out for the next bit of news on this marvelous trip.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Debbie
Of course we’ll give plenty of notice. There is just a few things that needs to get coordinated before the date is set! Oh, i’m starting to get excited!
Hey Great idea Mrs. Lifecruiser! Whohoooo first class huh? Sounds great.
I’ll write about it later today or tomorrow.
Lifecruiser: Yes, all A-Team Cruisers will get first class
We’ll have fun, fun fun….
[...] If you want to learn more about her wonderful cruise and all the events that will be taking place … lots of mingling and getting to know other bloggers is one of the key features of the event. Steer on over to the mother ship and get instructions. Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise http://feverishthoughts.com/2007/02/17/lifecruiser-cyber-cruise/ [...]
Lifecruiser: Thanks Tricia for the shout out
The more, the merrier!!!!
Ultra coolness! Something tells me this is going to be an exciting event that I love to look forward to
Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure is going to be fun!
Sounds fab to me!!!
Lifecruiser: Welcome to join us then
What’s Everybody Talking About…
I’ve been a little blogless lately. No one would be particularly interested as to why – BUT – real life has just interferred with me being on the computer that much. I hate it in a way cause there are some things I’ve been missing out on.
Lifecruiser: Thank you Beth for the shout out about the cruise
[...] The Cyber Cruise is all about sharing pictures and stories about the ports whether it be interesting historical or geographical information or sharing local food, drink and customs of the area. But mostly, it’s all about having fun, sharing jokes and comments and supporting each other as we learn about each others culture and language and even more about each other (may be even more than we wanted to know!! LOL) Hey, we even pick up the odd CC souvenir along the way! [...]
[...] Do you want to hop aboard at next event? Read about Cruiser Grades. [...]
[...] Red more about Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise [...]
[...] regular readers, especially Lifecruisers – A-Team Cruisers, know we have an honorary guest in our vacation home these days. My colleague from The Norwegian [...]
[...] This post has become a part of this years Lifecruisers Cyber Cruise. Read more about: Lifecruiser cyber cruise and here is Cyber Cruise Calendar 2007. Also check Tor and Anna meeting [...]
[...] 2 This post has become a part of this years Lifecruisers Cyber Cruise. Read more about: Lifecruiser cyber cruise and here is Cyber Cruise Calendar 2007. Also check Tor and Anna meeting [...]
[...] 1: This post has become a part of Lifecruiser’s Cyber Cruise. Read more about: Our Cyber cruise and here is The Cyber Cruise [...]
[...] Diversity in Osl0 This post is also a part of Lifecruiser’s Cyber Cruise. Read more about: Our Cyber Cruise Event and here is The Cyber Cruise Archive and Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in [...]
[...] love; my regular readers know I have the honor of being an A-Team Cruiser at Captain Lifecruisers Cyber Cruise. You can also read more about Lifecruisers Archive here or find everything in the known universe [...]
[...] guide you!! This post is part of Lifecruiser’s Cyber Cruise. Click to read more about the: Cyber Cruise Event and The Cyber Cruise Archive. You’ll find everything in the known universe about it on [...]
[...] I said in the beginning, this post is a part of a cyber cruise. Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise and the Cyber Cruise Calendar [...]
[...] also been absentee on Ms. Lifecruisers CYBER CRUISE!! I’ve barely been there. They were in Oslo last night. Today the cruisers are in Waterloo, [...]