
1) You should never blow a cat in the ear, because if you do it four or five times it’s gonna bite you in the lips. And it won’t let go for at least one minute. (Lisa 9 year)

2) It won’t help to vacuumclean cats: Not even if they’re very dirty. (Aslaug 10 year)

3) All animals came to the earth before the humans. The animal lived in totally peace and quiet until the humans came and made roads, hotels, houses and condoms. (Lars 10 year)

4) Dad says that Mom is unconscious when she buy clothes. (Tor 6 year)

5) My Mom is so heavenly beautiful, because she has so long breasts. (Bjarne 6 year)

6) To keep the Love alive it’s very important to be a good kisser. Then it can happen that your wife will forget about that you never take out the garbage. (Erik 8 year)

7) People in Love hold hands so that the rings won’t fall off. Because they cost a lot of money. (Tine 7 year)

8) A vibration is a movement that doesn’t know in what direction it’s heading. (Rune 8 year)

9) It can be done to make sandwiches stick on the wall, though you have to throw them very hard. (Patrick 10 year)

10) The only thing worse than liver is my little brothers diapers. (Hogne 8 year)

11) In certain places it’s so hot that the people live there has to live in other places. (Elin 8 year)

12) A body is something that ends in the shoes. (Andreas 5 year)

13) Some men has hair on their backs. Especially criminals and lifeguards. (Stina 6 year)

Captain Kid Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

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11 Comments on “13 Kids way to say it”

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Yea or as we say it in Norway: ‘It’s from Children or drunk people you hear the trues’. I like the once from the children best though!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we say the same over here in Sweden. Probably the same all over the world.

    Tink NETHERLANDS said:

    We have that same saying in The Netherlands, Renny! And it’s so true. I love children’s quotes. Thanks for the laugh!
    My TT is about collections I have.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, and they are so darn true, butt yet so innocent!

    aka R'acquel AUSTRALIA said:

    I agree, more delightful from the children :D Thanks for sharing that, it was really uplifting ;)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, they are sooo brutally and logically honest – and innocent :-D

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I adore words of children!
    One day I asked my little pupils of four years if they could say to me what is a varicella, because 6 of the classroom had this illness. Elijah said:”Varicella is small pimples all over the body wich are made by bad mosquitos!”

    Lifecruiser: Wonderful description really :-)

    carmen said:

    there’s nothing so honest (and funny) as a kid, huh? :)

    Lifecruiser: No,, they are brutal. and fun.

    jenny UNITED STATES said:

    hehehe…when my daughter speaks her mind, makes me laugh too! very nice list!

    Lifecruiser: I often wonder how they think and would love to be inside their brain for a while ;-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Hmmmmm…. *thinking about this* … I think… I could make a peanutbutter sandwich stick without throwing it very hard at all!

    Lifecruiser: Hm… I haven’t tested with a sandwich, only with pasta…. *giggles*

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    That’s a real good one, lol ! I am still laughing ! I tried to blow in Arthurs ear but he only moved it a little because he was sleeping and as you know when Arthur sleeps the world can collapse. BTW as you like him tooI put some pictures of him on my Keyhole pictures blog (for Photo Pherrets) with poses when he sleeps.
    I tried to put on “your” socks today but it’s not easy ! I had to give it up because I had my painting group and was late. I wanted to wear them in my group today ! Has to wait until next thursday but then I will make a picture !

    Lifecruiser: I’ll pop over there to have a look. Oh, dear, was they that difficult to put on??? *giggles* I’m looking forward to see them on!!!


    I like number 12 especially. How freaking adorable! :mrgreen:

    Lifecruiser: Yes. I can only nodd.

    mar SPAIN said:

    Hi, captain!!! I am slowly on board again :) Love the list! they are adorable quotes, you know only children and drunk people tell the whole truth, lol. Great ones, nr 12 made me chuckle!
    I have sooo much to catch up! won’t get any sleep it seems. Cheers!

    Lifecruiser: Welcome aboard again Mar! We’ve missed you :-)

    super mom said:

    Oh this is an old post of yours, but i love the first one! Since I ended up with my cat biting my own lip, I shoulda listened to a 9 year old and not blown in its ear! Cute.

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