
Everybody talks about our Cyber Cruise – it seem to be a huge success. It’s a great way to get to know your blogging buddies and at the same time travel from home – not to mention the crazy party’s and hectic nightlife ;-)

Don’t miss to visit the ports we’ve already been in, you can really feel like you’ve been there after reading this fantastic guides!!!

Oh, and 13 hugs to the hosts so far – excellent job :-)

1) 16 March, Friday – Lifecruiser ship set sails!!!
Host: Lifecruiser
Port: Stockholm, Sweden

2) 17 March, Saturday
Hosts: TorAa Mirror & RennyBA’s Terella
Port: Oslo, Norway

3) 18 March, Sunday
Host: Writer’s Cramps
Port: Waterloo, Belgium

4) 19 March, Monday
Host: Maremagnum
Port: Barcelona, Spain

5) 20 March, Tuesday:
Host: Irish Church Lady
Port: Mystery destination – Pirate Bay

6) 21 March, Wednesday:
Host: Coffee 2 go
Port: Berlin, Germany

7) 22 March, Thursday:
Host: The Dackel Princess
Port: Alaska (!) See the post below!

8) 23 March, Friday: NEW!!!
Host: Irish Church Lady
Port: Ottawa, Canada

9) 24 March, Saturday:
Hostess: Insanity Prevails
Port: Chesapeake Beach, US

10) 25 March, Sunday:
Host: RennyBA’s Terella
Port: Rome, Italy

11) 26 March, Monday:
Host: Coffee 2 go
Port: Dominican Republic

12) 30 March, Friday: NEW!!!
Host: Hootin’ Anni
Port: North America Surprise

13) 31 March, Saturday:
Hostess: aka R’acquel
Port: Details later (Australia)


28 March, Wednesday: NEW!!!
Host: All Cruisers having a Crazy Hat Parade
(With a prize to win!)
Port: Between 2 ports, out on the cyber sea

There will be updates of this schedule – especially of the most important date: the big cruise ball we will hold later when returning to Stockholm!


Lifecruiser lifering

Do you want to hop aboard at next port?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

The Cyber Cruise Scheduled ports
Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in Technorati

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8 Comments on “13 Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise Ports”

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    I am such a mooching cruise mate, but I can assure you that I will walk the gang plank if I don’t get me arse in gear! Argh!!!! ( still burping from too much sausage and coffee)

    Lifecruiser: You mooch’y cruise mate are always welcome to walk the gangplank any time Gina, just make sure that you have enough to bribe us with when you do ;-) *laughing crazy*

    Tink NETHERLANDS said:

    Pity I can’t hop in at the moment, but I’ll be sure to do the cruise a.s.a.p.!
    My TT lists 13 of the cars we owned before our current one.

    Lifecruiser: You’re welcome Tink, just make sure you read the Cruiser Grades before you do :-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I just returned from Alaska, what a wonderful landscape ! Have to go there ! With this cruise my travel list becomes longer and longer, lol ! I worked like a farm horse to understand how to change backgrounds etc. and got it finally ! Three blogs in a new dress ! I am very proud of myself, when I think last year I just began understanding Internet and was far away from a blog !
    The hat parade is a very good idea, I think we will have a lot of fun !! I already look in my wardrobes !!

    Lifecruiser: I know Gattina – and mine were long enough already before that – what shall we do about that? We have to travel aorund the world in several years to get to all places… *lol*

    Way to go Gattina! I must check out your new bloglayouts at once!

    The crazy hat parade yes – even if we always have fun on this cruise I think the hat parade will be even more fun!!!!

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Oh!oh! what a nice time we have in Alaska! So beautiful and wild landscape! Now i’m sure one day I will go again in this country !!!

    Lifecruiser: Mmmm, it’s quite unreal huh? almost like a fantasy :-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Well, I feel bad! I’ve tried to post to Maribeth’s port several times today and it just always tells me that I have already posted and need to wait a few minutes before trying again! :( So I will just post here, and hope she comes to read things back on the ship!

    WOW Maribeth! This is fabulous! I have always wanted to take an Alaskan cruise – and now with you’re help I HAVE!!! I was definitely one of the ones taking the helicopter tour of the glacier! This has been a life dream of mine!!! Wonderful wonderful tour! Thanks sO much! *grabs one more chocolate covered strawberry on the way out!*

    Lifecruiser: I passed your message to her Melli – I succeeded to post it now!

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Ho! as melli! i’ve the same problem! Yes Alaska seems a wonderful place and the visit was very chic! A super meal as in a palace!!!!

    Lifecruiser: Well, it seem to have been fixed now, since I could leave comments there! Let’s hope so!

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    *brings in icecold DOM*

    I enjoyed every stop (and got new shoes! :mrgreen: )
    Since I´ve had this fantastic chocolate dinner in Alaska for breakfast, went out for lunch today, had a piece of cake this evening and *blahblah* I´m a bit seasick… does this :mrgreen: -thingy exist upside down?

    Lifecruiser: Not you to!!!! Are we all sick??? And I don’t mean mentally, because that’s for sure, but physically. What’s happening over here – a ship mystery – are we being poisoned? *lol*


    I’m really liking all the backgrounds and header pictures that you’ve been able to put up Cap’n. Great job!

    The ship has now docked in Ottawa! Come and check the live screen cam of the Parliament Buildings! If you come now you will see them at night all lit up! Tomorrow, you will see the weather that we are having. I hope it will be sunny!

    Oh and just a reminder, we Canadians say “eh?” a lot (pronounced ay). We end alot of sentences with it. You will even see it in my writing of my blog posts, eh? LOL oops! See what I mean?

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL, i’m having a bit fun with them :-)

    Oh, I loved the parliament buildings, powerful ones, so big too, eh? (*lol*)

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