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Thursday Thirteen in Technorati

25 Comments on “13 Shoes goes no where here”

    Robin ISRAEL said:

    Fantastic TT, I love it!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Robin :-)

    Irish Church Lady CANADA said:

    Ooooowwww, I love the pink and red ones, even if the rest aren’t really my style either!

    Lifecruiser: See, there is always something to think different of, the pink and red ones – no no :-)

    Friday's Child said:

    That’s a lot of shoes. Do you own all of them? They are all pretty.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks , but: 13 shoes and none of them is mine. They are very original shoes which are not my style, so they would never go any where with my feet in them :-)

    Thomma Lyn UNITED STATES said:

    Wow, what a cool TT! And what a neat-looking blog you’ve got — love the fiery look. :-)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Thomma Lyn :-) I’m glad you like it!

    Chelle Y. UNITED STATES said:

    That was so cool. Very original too!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Chelle :-)

    delightfulduchess UNITED STATES said:

    I wish I had such creative TT’s. I am soooooo impressed and soooooo jealous

    Lifecruiser: Thanks delightfulduchess, I take that as a HUGE compliment and wish you a lot of creative TT’s ahead of you :-)

    Jill said:

    I think we might have the same problem shopping for shoes!! Sometime I like the shape, but hate the colors!! Hot pink is not for shoes that goes on my foot!!

    Lifecruiser: … and to top the color and other things, I also got a narrow foot which only suits Italian shoes…. I can search for shoes year after year without finding any suitable. So I once went to Milano in Italy, just to buy shoes! No need to say I got 6 pairs with me home!!!

    Janet UNITED STATES said:

    I like the monster ones!

    Lifecruiser: He he he… Of course you would … *lol*

    armywife UNITED STATES said:

    lol. i see some of these walking around town. i guess with the right outfit, you could pull most of them off…

    happy TT

    Lifecruiser: Yes, maybe so – especially if I needed some attention ;-)

    colleen UNITED STATES said:

    A kalidoscope of shoes! I got a kick (pun intended) out of the pink checkerboard sneakeres foe a 3 footed person. Thanks for creating such a fun 13. (Imagine a high five here).

    Lifecruiser: I’m glad you liked it Colleen. It was fun creating it too :-)

    scooper UNITED STATES said:

    I like the tennis shoe with the heel. I prob. would never wear them, but I like them. :roll:

    Lifecruiser: Oh, I recognize that statement, I often use it for clothes!!! There is alot of clothes that i fancy but never would wear.

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I am not a shoe fan and only buy shoes when they drop off my feet ! You can walk barefoot or with old slippers for 20 years besides me I wouldn’t even notice ! But my mother was a shoe fan, Mr. Gattino counted 122 pairs of shoes when she died, some of them were not even worn. A case for a psy !

    Lifecruiser: I’m not that big shoe fan either, but I like goodlooking ones – maybe because it’s so hard to find any suitable for me…

    Tink NETHERLANDS said:

    Funny TT! I was amazed by some of those shoes. I don’t think you’ll ever see me in any of them! ;-)
    Thanks for visiting my cat quotes TT!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Tink :-) Not me either!

    Gabriella Hewitt said:

    After giving birth to three boys, I gave up on pointy toes and pointy heels. Not to mention I grew half a size. :mrgreen:

    Totally love your TT. I know where to come to if I ever want to do something similar. Very fun slide show.

    My #9 TT is up. Happy TT day!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, I guess there is where life come between ;-)

    carmen said:

    who can explain fashion? :)

    Lifecruiser: Who knows… *lol*

    mar SPAIN said:

    I love black leather…and loved your TT!!! very …er, colorful!

    Lifecruiser: Black leather goeas to anything :-) I love colors, but just not these combinations… *s*

    claudie FRANCE said:

    “Help! my eyes!!!” The pink and black schoes! My daughter Mélissa has got the same! They ‘re universal, you can by them all over the world!
    Have a good Wooman’s Day!

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha… So you’re wearing sunglasses now to protect you eyes from Mélissas shoes then? *laughing loud*

    Barb UNITED STATES said:

    They sure didn’t have me or my feet in mind when they made those awful shoes! Shoes are getting to be like clothes; hard to find any you’d want to be even ‘caught dead’ in! :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I know. When I find something I like, I buy several of them just to have for the future too… *s*

    Caylynn GERMANY said:

    LOL! :D I couldn’t wear any of those. Great funny comments for each pair! Of course, my shoes are very boring. I have very wide feet and I can’t wear heels.

    Thanks for the laughs!

    Lifecruiser: You’re welcome Caylynn, I’m glad you liked it :-) Well, I try to find nice shoes, but it’s very difficult. I have the opposite problem from you, a narrow foot. But I don’t want to high heels either and it always seem to be a lo of high heels shoes.

    Claire UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Definitely the most creative TT i have seen today. I hate shoe shopping, because i have man feet (but i am a girl!)
    Thanks for the visit and have put up british slang definitions now.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Claire :-) OH, that must be extremely difficult, even more than I have to find shoes! Can’t be fun at all. I hope you’ve found some stores anyway with cool shoes!

    Nancy UNITED STATES said:

    What a great idea for a 13! I like th shiny ones myself. Can’t you just see me dancing in my kitchen in those things….. :wink:

    Lifecruiser: Oh, yes, that would be totally cool ;-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    WOW! I’m a shoe fan – but it’s scary to think SOME people WEAR some of those!!!

    Lifecruiser: There were lots of them in the stores… horrible thought that Im going to see all these down town later on…. *shiver with fear*

    Rose said:

    I like the pink and red ones. lol Another great TT.

    Lifecruiser: Hm, it’s several persons that had said that now. And I just can’t stand when you mix red and pink at all. Byt the taste is different among us and that’s good, because how would it look like if everybody went around in the same clothes???? *lol*

    Debbie said:

    Not sure how they say ugly in your country but UGLY!

    I almost likes the pink checked ones but even those were a bit too much! I love a good back pair of shoes!

    Lifecruiser: UGLY = FULT. (pronounced with a long U). The checked ones can, maybe, be taken as cool just because they are so crazy :-)

    MommyBa PHILIPPINES said:

    I love shoes but I have a hard time finding a suitable one for me because I have big and kinda wide feet that grew when I gained the extra poundage I have now. Sizes differ for me at every store I go to.

    I wouldn’t be caught wearing those that you featured. They’re way out of my taste.

    You had a wonderful list that made me smile :)

    Happy weekend!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks MommyBa :-) I can’t understand why they don’t offer shoes for every kind of feeth – don’t they want to sell…?

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