Archive for July, 2011

Fresh fried flounder

July 2nd, 2011 at 8:49 am » Comments (4)

One of the many huge benefits of staying here at the summer island farm, is when we have freshly caught Flounder (European flatfish) from the Baltic Sea to fry for dinner. Earlier the farmer even smoked it (big fave!), but that demands a lot of work to get the smoke in order, so he has [...]

More tips about cheap holidays

July 1st, 2011 at 8:05 am » Comments (3)

After you have booked x amount of trips, you get more advanced in your search for travel deals, but still: we need more tips about cheap holidays, don’t you think? We have been writing some earlier post about this subject, which you can see in the list below. Do you have any tricks or tips [...]