Archive for July, 2011

Fave Summer Travel Music Mix

July 16th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (2)

We were asked by Carina at Pocketvillage if we could share our fave travel song with them, which we thought sounded like a fun idea. They did put together a travel songs summer 2011 playlist. All the participating travel bloggers also wrote some text about why this is they’re favorite travel song – quite interesting [...]

My Seven Links – Best Travel Blogs Articles

July 16th, 2011 at 8:00 am » Comments (13)

We got an invite to a travel meme by the excellent travel blogger Mark who writes Travel Wonders. Even though we’re on vacation right now at our summer island, we decided to participate. This fun initiative is the brainchild of TripBase and titled “My Seven Links” intended to dust off old blog articles based on [...]

Cool Cuba Character Photos

July 15th, 2011 at 9:23 am » Comments (0)

What a travel photo destination treat a Cuba Holiday is! I found some very cool Cuba photos that I simply must share. They are very hard to resist. I had difficulties to choose which photos to put up here, because I found so many interesting ones – and especially colorful ones. Photo by Ilker Not [...]