August 10th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (2)At this year countryside auction at Lauters, I took photos of two completely different and very interesting sightings of old vintage shoes. Even the forms to make shoes. Very often they made their own shoes at the countryside. Or just had a person nearby that were the shoemaker. Notice how worn out the shoes are? [...]
August 9th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (0)One of the biggest reasons why I love to travel, is the opportunity to find photo objects or scenes that you normally would not bump into, so even this rural and very picturesque picnic scene. Photo is taken at a farm at our summer paradise island at the northern tip of Gotland island at Sweden’s [...]
August 8th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (1)Summer auctions always are fun to attend, but not this one. It was one of our farmers old friends belongings that was on sale, so also his old Gotlandic house from 1783. I always get so melancholic seeing those old houses, especially when they’re empty. Imaging their lives in the house. I get a bit [...]