Archive for February, 2012

Top 5 Pacific Cruises For Your Next Getaway!

February 17th, 2012 at 10:03 am » Comments (1)

When you are ready for your next holiday getaway, consider taking one of the many Pacific Ocean Cruises that are waiting for you to enjoy. Cruise lines travel to ports of call all around the Pacific Ocean, giving you the opportunity to visit some very exotic locations, while enjoying the luxury of a cruise ship. [...]

Photo: Mall Wall Art

February 16th, 2012 at 8:49 pm » Comments (1)

One of the most unusual wall art objects I’ve spotted in a mall in Stockholm, Sweden, is this colorful swimmer or diver woman. She was quite cool diving down through the escalator… I love when finding art at the most surprising places, don’t you? ©Lifecruiser Love Shopping Display   Some Shop Display posts by Lifecruiser: [...]

Baltic Sea Jellyfish Moustache

February 15th, 2012 at 8:22 pm » Comments (2)

With some imagination I’m sure that you can see this jellyfish figure with a seaweed moustache as I do. I always look for similarities or pattern whenever I go on a photo hunt when out traveling and beaches are full of photo objects. Water can be a bit tricky to take photos of though, because [...]