Lifecruisers Beer
Join Wordless Wednesday

This is my favorite brand of beer, Carlsberg, but even better is Carlsberg Hof. It’s Danish I know, not Deutsch, but what can I say before I’ve been there and tried all their beers?

So off we go to Beerlin ;-)

Captain Lifecruiser

PS. I’m heading out for amusements in the city now, I’ll be back in the evening to shake you all up!

Lifecruiser lifering

Wednesday port: Berlin, Germany | Sanni
Next port: Alaska!

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23 Comments on “A big beer please!”

    Linda UNITED STATES said:

    Yep – that it is definitely a big beer! I would be under the table after just one!

    Lifecruiser: Me too :-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Hhmm ! Just the right thing now at 6 am instead of that coffee !

    Lifecruiser: Well, not a beer in the morning for me :-)

    Rose said:

    That is a large beer. I’m not much of a beer drinker.

    Lifecruiser: I guess you have to be used to beer….

    jen said:

    I dont really like beer but each to his/her own :)
    mines up

    Lifecruiser: It seems like you either like or dislike beer, seldom in between :-)

    mar SPAIN said:

    I don’t drink beer and after hiding all day long yesterday I am ready to go out and get a “Berliner”…

    The pastry, captain. What were you thinking ????

    Lifecruiser: Busted! *blushing*

    Debbie said:

    I still prefer a good wine but beer will do on a hot day! I don’t branch out too much prefer a light beer and know I have had it the next day!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, as in all things except Love it’s best done in moderation I guess ;-)

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    The only German beer I’ve tried is Heiniken [or however it's spelled----heck, after yesterday's rum and the sangria the day before in Barcelona-------WHO CARES how ANYthing is spelled!!! Right?]

    Glücklicher Mittwoch jeder. Von Amerika nach Berlin!
    Happy Wednesday everyone. From America to Berlin!

    Lifecruiser: Well, Heinken is rather good too, but I suspect that their other beers is even better!


    My inner European is Dutch so I guess my favourite beer should be Heineken. Of course you know I like Guinness!

    Now I’m looking for which type of German beer that is dark and red? Do you know the name of one like that?

    Lifecruiser: Oh, Guiness is one of my favorites, but I to choose just one…. *s* My inner European turned out to be Dutch too actually :-)

    No, no name of that, but I’m sure you’ve already got the answer from Sanni by now :-)

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    My husband LOVES Hof but I prefer Czech for some reason! Sorry to be so persona non fun, but we have lots of specialist appts and tests for the wee one this month’s end and I am at a loss for time.

    Lifecruiser: Ah, yes, we all have different tastes, thankfully I might add because it could become difficult if we all wanted the same things :-)

    Don’t appologize Gina, no pressure, this is all about having fun and being buddys, so just enjoy our ports when you can :-)

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    PS…That is only 3.5! It is 5.1 or better for me! Especially if it is Carlsberg black! YUM!!!

    Lifecruiser: I know! I just wondered if anyone would comment that! *giggles*

    Black is good too, but the Hof has more quality of beer actually.

    And if i want to drink some more, i prefer the Hof because it’s not so strong so I can avoid getting too drunk… *s*

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    I just got back from one great import/export shop.
    I bought myself a DRINDL and hubby LEDERHOSEN

    I’m modeling my outfit!! –on my blog, this fine day [tho, my head is too small --I look like a chicken popping out of the outfit. Then again, it might be the beer consumption already]

    Lifecruiser: I simply must have a look at that, but my surprise: I can’t reach your blog. The brwser shut down at once i came to it. No matter if I choosed to go by Firefox or Internet Explorer. I hope you get the problem fixed, because I’m very curious :-)

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Eine gute bier! ich habe bier so gern!!!!!! hic!hic!hic!Ich bin in eine grosse brauerei in Berlin! I weisse nicht in welche strasse!!!! Ich habe zwei lieter gedrunken!!! Ich glaube das ich… will a little relax moment and tonight I will come back!

    Lifecruiser: willkommen Claudie and prost :-)

    Brian UNITED STATES said:

    Don’t drink, but thanks. :roll:

    Lifecruiser: Well, it’s empty anyway ;-)

    Frances UNITED STATES said:

    Whoa that can looks huge!
    Hope everyone is enjoying the cruise.
    Thanks for sharing,

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we’re having a blast thanks :-)

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I’ve a real problem to publish my comment by Sanni! I’ve all try: blogger/google other anonymous!
    I’ve changed my password without succes cause I thought I had perhaps forgotten it. I’m very sad . If I’ve time I will try to open a new blog with google to see. So I just want to say her the tour of Berlin was fantastic! thanks Sanni!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, there were defenitely something wrong, even I had that problem, but it seem to be solved now :-)

    Oh, my god this cruise will kill my feet, so much walking and dancing!!!

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    For those who are having problems/or HAVE had problems accessing my blog with IE browser, I think it’s fixed now.

    THANKS FOR EVERYONE who let me know!! At least it’s loading now from my IE AND Firefox. I never thought to check it with Internet Explorer since I use Firefox exclusively. [After I went out on IE, and it didn't load for me either, once I thought I had it 'fixed' and viewed with IE again, I had to clean out my cache....then it loaded okay]

    Thanks Gattina for letting me know there was a problem, and to you too Captain!!!!

    Lifecruiser: I actually always have problem with your site – can’t go there with firefox, only IE. I have the same problem with some few other sites too. Very weird.

    deb said:

    Beer..yuck lol!
    Great picture though :lol:
    Happy Wednesday!

    Lifecruiser: strange thing that with beer, either poeple hate it or love it as it seems. i guess it takes some time to get used to, just like wine :-)

    Autofocused UNITED KINGDOM said:

    I prefer Holsten myself, but I’m not too fussy :grin:

    Lifecruiser: Well, thats a good one too :-)

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    How did you know that’s was the exact can RennyBA got when he arrived at St P, this weekend. Coming from an one hour tennis “match”.

    PS. Me and beer? 1664 and Duvel ans perhaps 2 equis + Vørterøl He-he

    Lifecruiser: Well, that didn’t sound directly bad either ;-)

    mar SPAIN said:

    In case you haven’t heard this, I was rescued from my hiding place yesterday by the one gentleman pirate , don’t ask *blushes* But there will be more on this love story tomorrow. You know where. Be there. He is taking me away and I ‘m loving it :)

    Lifecruiser: that’s wuite a love story, perhaps we’ll see that as a movie soon? *lmao*

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    My feet are burning =)
    But I got some special beer-lin prepared for our cruisies :mrgreen:


    Lifecruiser: Prost Sanni, that sounds just terrific!!!!!

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    Oh… and a “I survived Currywurst Country” souvenir *giggles*

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Sanni :-) My, that currywurst is going to stay with us in our dreams!!!! As pleaant dreams, not nightmares! *s*


    Prost! Captain Lifecruiser! Sanni is setting me up with some red German beer. I see you have the beautiful Northern lights up for our Alaska cruise tonight! Be-u-tee-ful!!!

    Lifecruiser: Prost ICL! Oh, German red beer, that sounded like something for me to try too! Yes, it sure is spectacular, the boralis.

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