Comments on: Alive live at summer paradise island Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Mon, 18 Feb 2013 15:24:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: filippa filippa Tue, 15 Jul 2008 10:27:01 +0000 Hmmm thank you for inspiring me to do the trip to Gotland. Me and the family have been talking about this for the past 5 years but not really done anything, because of me :)

filippas last blog post..Naomi psykopat eller geni?

By: design snob design snob Wed, 09 Jul 2008 22:08:18 +0000 I’m so jealous. We were planning to travel to Sweden while we were in Europe a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a reasonable plane ticket from Sweden to London.

By: Mar Mar Wed, 09 Jul 2008 16:04:05 +0000 Enjoy your paradise on earth and keep us posted. Guess who is (most likely) also going go show up at Claudie’s???? :roll:

Mars last blog post..wordless wednesday [97]: white on blue

By: tutubi tutubi Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:57:15 +0000 i miss summer already :(
good luck on your trips

By: Rose Rose Mon, 07 Jul 2008 22:59:16 +0000 Sounds wonderful! I have not taken a vacation is years. Though. I do live in San Diego so most every day is a vacation in some respects. House prices and traffic are not fun though.

Roses last blog post..Free Scrapbook Printables

By: RennyBA RennyBA Mon, 07 Jul 2008 22:39:00 +0000 Okay, okay, okay: Fårö is great, but give me right in that Mariestad, Vänern’s Pearl is fine too!

Good to know you are well settled in on your summer paradise like we are and like you: I’ll be on and off to blogsphere.

Looking forward to see you both at Claudie’s next year and before that at Tor’s in September. Prepare for the biggest hug in your life – and that goes for Mr. Lifecruiser too!

RennyBAs last blog post..Blog-Blond nominates RennyBA as friendliest blogger!

By: A. A. Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:39:13 +0000 A whole month away! How wonderful for you! Looking forward to seeing some photos :)

A.s last blog post..Photohunter: pointed

By: Mick Mick Sun, 06 Jul 2008 16:44:45 +0000 I spent one of the best holidays of my life in Gotland. Enjoy every minute of it.

By: DianeCA DianeCA Sun, 06 Jul 2008 09:43:31 +0000 I will keep checking in. I have some girlfriends that want to take a trip to Gotland, we talk about it every year. There are few in Mariestad this year too. I wonder if maybe they are just arriving later this season. Only time will tell. I have one friend who has traveled to Italy, and one to Greece, but the overall majority of my friends are going to be in norway or sweden. I don’t know if thats a good indicator….hehehe. Hope you get better weather into next week and enjoy those beaches!!

DianeCAs last blog post..Old fashioned Potato Salad

By: Ling Ling Sun, 06 Jul 2008 03:17:01 +0000 Captain going to paris? Oh, brother… those bars in Paris are in big trouble.. :)
