So, we’ll have a language lesson again here at Lifecruiser…
A word that can come in handy when out exploring the world, for the most popular beverage of the world: Beer.
The oldest preserved Indo-european language is said to be the Lithuanian, where the word alus means beer, which has become olut in Finnish and öl in Swedish and developed to the English ale.
Abejow = Persian
Ale = English
Alu = Latvian
Alus = Lithuanian
Beer = English, Tagalog, Tasmanian
Beier = Luxembourg
Bejau = Cantonese
Beoir = Irish, Scotch Gaelic
Bere = Romanian
Bia = Hawaiian, Pidgin, Thai
Biar = Hindi
Bier = Breton, Flemish, Frisian, Dutch, German, Yiddish
Biere = French
Biero = Esperanto
Biiro = Japanese (spells Biiru)
Bir = Indonesia, Malayan
Bira = Bulgarian, Arabian; Greek (spells mpira), Turkish
Birah = Hebraic
Bire = Singhalese
Birra = Italian, Maltese
Birre = Albanian
Biya = Burmese
Biyar = Nepalese
Bjor = Islandic
Cerveja = Portugese
Cervesa = Catalonia, Spanish (spells cerveza), Philippines
Cervisia = Latin
Chang = Nepalese, Tibetanian
Garagarnoa = Basque
Garejure = Armenian
Immiaarag = Greenlandic
Labiera = Madagascan
Maekju = Korean
Oke = Afrikaans
Olu = Estonian
Olut = Finnish
Pia = Samoan
Pijiu = Mandarin
Pivo = Croatian, Czech, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Ukrainian
Piwo = Polish
Pombe = Swahilian
Sor = Hungarian
Öl = Swedish, Norwegian, Danish (with a different kind of Ö)
Remember when we had a love language lesson here?
Looks like we’re going to be able to do the most important stuff…. *giggles*
What a formidable list here, i have to thank you a lot for this, i’ve
been lookin for this beer list for a while.
I admit that in really this moment i’m gonna learn the all words!!
Great helpful list!! Is it part of the cruise-pedia?? every cruiser should have a copy ::grin::
Thanks for reminding me to put some beer in the fridge for my beloved one, I keep forgetting that because I don’t drink “Öl”!!
No matter what the name, Beer is soo good. Especially on a hot day, when the beer is ice cold!
Well now! Thanks so much for putting the most important of alcoholic beverages on your “language list.” Beer being my favorite, I really do appreciate the information!
Hahaha ! I am rolling under my chair ! Öl for beer !!!! that’s sooo funny. In german Öl means oil and of course oil is needed to make all kind of stuff running ! And you also can oil your throat of course !!
How amazing…so many ways to say cervesa (beer)!! I am trying to learn Spanish so I can get my bachelor’s degree so this was very interesting to me. Chao!
My God I didn’t half jump when I heard that voice – it’s pretty impressive, way beyond my skills as it took me 5 hours to set up my girlie blog – lol!
I’ll have one in each language please. Have a great day.
Most useful article posted at Lifecruiser EVER LoL
and of course you are right: In Norwegian Øl
The correct way to say beer in spanish (as opposed to saying it in catalá) is cerveza (with a z)
Also in japanese its biiru, or sake or osake for generic alcohol beverage, not just actual sake.
P.S: are these halloween decorations? Good job on the head, it creeped me out a bit.
Hello my Captain
Just a little “coucou” before going to work!
I was so busy all those days! Vacation soon!!!
Beer! I adore beer! And I’m always glad to discover new beers!
Ha-ha – I wonder what the Germans say to this list? Ein Bayer, bitte?
Here in Norway, when in a Pub, all you need to say is: Halvliter
(Half liter) – like “un demi” in France
What? Öl for beer? That is quite interesting and funny, although actually I can just imagine it is almost oil for the body (well for some beer drinkers out there). Although that’s probably why the beer out there is so expensive
like the precious oil we need for our cars.
I’m gonna have to show J’mon your list! He is really into beer, he makes his own beers. When we get our new home, I’m hoping he’s gonna make some winter ale. hehe
:burp: x’cuse me lol
Beer Rules!!!
And its called sarakku in our language, Tamil.. Its one of the languages spoken in india.. And, a very useful post indeed..
It’s Cervesa in the Philippines although I don’t use the word. I still refer to it as beer.
Great list
. Besides in Latvian is Alus – the same as in Lithuanian. Alu would be in a reconstructed Indoeuropean protolanguage.
Latvian name for beer is wrong. It is the same as in Lithuanian: alus, not “alu”.