Currently browsing Cyber Cruises

Cruise Secret Brown Bluff Island

August 31st, 2007 at 1:58 pm » Comments (13)

So are you ready to finally cruise to the secret island with Lifecruiser?
We proudly present for our cruisers: Brown Bluff Island in the Southern Ocean!
We’re all elegant dressed up too - having a Friday party are we…? *giggles*
Can you spot us there? Guess which ones!
And where are you in this video? Tell us who you […]

WWhere is that secret island?

August 29th, 2007 at 11:25 am » Comments (20)

Join Wordless Wednesday
Captain Teaser Lifecruiser
Lifecruiser Tips:
A Walk on the beaches
(click to go there and then scroll down to the post)

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
♥ The Vanity in Stockholm

Coming Cyber Cruise events:
♥ Maui, Hawaii, US (Starts as soon as possible)
♥ The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
♥ Another castle in Lincoln, England
♥ Fulu Fjäll (mountain), […]

The Luxury Cruise Ship Magica

August 27th, 2007 at 5:51 pm » Comments (9)

What the heck is this…???!!! A ship on land…? *giggles*
This was the sight greating us when going up to The Vanity at the hill above Stockholm. Considering the fact that the hill is said to be about 40 meter (131 feet) high, this is quite impressive!
It’s time to post a boat this Monday, participating in […]