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Knocking Rocking Rolling Stones

August 10th, 2007 at 7:40 am » Comments (39)

This Doesn’t seem to Keep the Chap from My Lips, 1948.
Oil on canvas. Gil Elvgren.

Feeling like having some Friday fun…? I do!!!!! I’ll just put on some lipstick and more clothes!
Did I hear some protests? Bah, never mind!!! *giggles*
A recreational boater, a tugboat crewman, and an old salt Captain […]

By My Cruisers and Awards

August 9th, 2007 at 1:05 pm » Comments (22)

The New A-Team Cruiser
I’ve taken in a new A-Team Cruiser! You know her already, she has been with us for a while now as one of the A-Swab Team: Caledonia at!
From her profile:
“Caledonia is the old Roman name for Scotland and I chose it as a net name because I’m very proud of […]

Happy Birthday Whisper Wisher

August 8th, 2007 at 6:20 pm » Comments (11)

Join Wordless Wednesday
Schhh! Since this is Wordless Wednesday I’m only whispering this Happy Birthday and reaching out this birthday gift to one of the A-Team Cruisers: Gattina- for some romantic evenings in your garden ;-)
Try to blow out this candle if you can! *giggles*
…and check out the romantic Paris in the post below!!!!
OR head […]