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13 Vacation views wows

July 12th, 2007 at 5:19 pm » Comments (36)

1. Yesterday were a day with SUN. Yes, it’s true, even though it was a bit chilly, still no beach weather which is very unusual for FÃ¥rö and Gotland. We took the ferry from FÃ¥rö over to Gotland, to drive out to the west coast.

2. We wanted to sit for a while by the […]

Fish and fish

July 11th, 2007 at 12:11 pm » Comments (17)

The Catch
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Amazing colors and patterns of nature…
Captain Fishy Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser Tips: Street cats in Bormes Les Mimosas
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Caught in the net today

July 10th, 2007 at 7:46 pm » Comments (8)

Today we woke up to fish smell. The farmer had been out catching fishs in his net. The cat’s got a lot of food at least. Some big, tasty ones too. Not for us though. We wait until he starts to smoke them later….
I was talking to the neighbours too:

We thought that we at least […]