Currently browsing Cyber Cruises

Shopping day for the cruise ball

April 12th, 2007 at 12:38 am » Comments (14)

(To see my newest bloglayout push F5 button!)
Today (Thursday) is the big Shopping Day before the cruise ball on Saturday the 14th.
Post your shopping day on your own blog today (Thursday) and come over here and tell us about it, so we can joyn you in your shopping.
There is only 1 weird rule:
You’re […]

I am not the winner…

April 11th, 2007 at 10:23 am » Comments (14)

Join Wordless Wednesday

…butt Gattina is!
Head over to check what she got as 1st prize in the crazy hat parade!
Butt there really should be a prize for the ugliest face - which I am an expert on if I may say so myself ;-)
Mr Lifecruiser is nodding on this and saying:
“Uglier then ugliest, not even […]

13 Cyber Cruises so far

April 5th, 2007 at 10:57 am » Comments (13)

As you might have noticed we’ve had a cyber cruise going on here on Lifecruiser, which started in Stockholm, Sweden.
Then we cruised to 13 other wonderful and exciting places which I recommend you to check up if you haven’t before! It’s well worth the cyber trip!
I want to thank all those wonderful cruisers that have […]