Archive for the ‘Party’ Category

The Ship Launch Party

November 9th, 2007 at 4:00 pm » Comments (29)

Gil Elvgren, 1969.

Welcome to celebrate the new Lifecruiser ship!
The sea voyage is more than an adventure; it is a rite of passage, as decisive as a wedding. It marks the end of the old self and the birth of the new.
Jonathan Raban (1942 - ), British author. [...]

Welcome aboard the new ship

November 8th, 2007 at 1:52 am » Comments (22)

The Lifecruiser Ship has been to the dockyard. A verrrrry skilled ship-builder has been working real hard to make this ship more luxury for our dear cruise guests.
CHEERS to the BEST: Leanne, you’re a hoot to work with, fun, fast, skilled, talented - we’ll certainly honk the ship horn the next time we need your [...]

Cyber Halloween Party 2007

October 31st, 2007 at 5:47 am » Comments (46)

All bloggers that dare are spooktacular welcome to our big Cyber Halloween Party!!!
We’re holding a haunted open house until witching hour - all witches, goblins, ghosts, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, spiders, spirits, black cats, howling wolves, monster, creeps and other scary creatures are invited!!!
Make sure you post your horrifying costumes (faked or real) at your blog, [...]