Archive for the ‘Stockholm’ Category

Europe Trip 2012 Summery

April 12th, 2012 at 9:57 pm » Comments (4)

This summer we will be driving from Stockholm, Sweden, to Provence, France and back again – through a lot of different countries along the roads of Europe. Around 7500 km both ways – if not doing any extensive detours. Some might think we’re crazy since we’ve booked overnight stays for 21 nights at different kind [...]

Mapped Europe Roadtrip Route 2012 by Lifecruiser

April 10th, 2012 at 8:47 pm » Comments (3)

We have been planning a longer Europe road trip for the end of the summer this year. We will be driving from Stockholm, Sweden, down in Europe, to end up in Provence – through a lot of countries along the way. Approx 7500 km both ways. Now we can show you the mapped route at [...]

Happy Easter Feaster

April 6th, 2012 at 4:41 pm » Comments (2)

Just wanted to wish all our old friends (and new!) a Happy Easter – or at least a peaceful and relaxing weekend holiday with this photo. Cozy factor or not? What do you say? The photo is from yesterdays Easter family dinner over here when Jane was here – she is flying to Brazil this [...]