Archive for the ‘Stockholm’ Category

Roadtrip Plus Computer Problem

March 12th, 2012 at 11:48 pm » Comments (1)

Today we were out on a wonderful roadtrip out on the islands called Mälaröarna nearby Stockholm – passing Drottningholms Palace and beyond. Munsö and the ferry over to Adelsö too. The weather was simply gorgeous, so much spring in the air! Yes, photos were taken, some of the photos I took from my iPhone are [...]

Photo: Mall Wall Art

February 16th, 2012 at 8:49 pm » Comments (1)

One of the most unusual wall art objects I’ve spotted in a mall in Stockholm, Sweden, is this colorful swimmer or diver woman. She was quite cool diving down through the escalator… I love when finding art at the most surprising places, don’t you? ©Lifecruiser Love Shopping Display   Some Shop Display posts by Lifecruiser: [...]

Stockholm Millennium Tour Guide Information

February 1st, 2012 at 9:00 pm » Comments (1)

For fans of the famous Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson, it might be a thrill to travel to Sweden and take the Stockholm Millennium Tour – a guided tour around the places from the Millennium book (and now film) series. Photo by Jimmy Harris The Millennium Tour includes several streets and beautiful views of Riddarfjärden [...]