November 29th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (0)Another Stockholm Versace fashion window photo captured at the very well known Swedish clothes company H&M. Very clever move of them as I said earlier and I really love all the outfits this time. That’s not always the fact when it comes to trend fashion and me! ©Lifecruiser Love Stockholm Shopping
November 28th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (2)Time for some windows shopping in Stockholm City, the capital of Sweden. How about the new Versace fashion at H&M, the big Swedish clothes store company? Personally I love to see this new fashion within H&M. Clever move of them indeed – where else to buy H&M-clothes than in Sweden…? ©Lifecruiser Love Stockholm Shopping
November 27th, 2011 at 9:00 pm »
Comments (1)Another Stockholm street photo from a peculiar angle: Grand Hotel flagging to welcome it’s guests with flags. Grand Hotel has an impressive history of accommodate guests (many of them celebrities) in this five-star hotel located opposite the water from the Swedish Royal Castle since 1874. ©Lifecruiser Love Stockholm Street Photos Other post related [...]