
Today we woke up to fish smell. The farmer had been out catching fishs in his net. The cat’s got a lot of food at least. Some big, tasty ones too. Not for us though. We wait until he starts to smoke them later….

I was talking to the neighbours too:


We thought that we at least would go out some more today when it not was raining all the time, so we went down to the sea stacks are – though I’m not showing you the sea stacks today, because they don’t do well in this light. It has to be sun to do them justice, so you’ll have to wait for them!

Though you can have a glimpse at an old fishing village called Helgumannens:

B 042

Another typical old Fårö farm:


Look how the Clematis has bloomed now:


Not to mention the wild flowers, bluebells:


Or this, by me unknown one:

B 094

There is other wild things too:

B 093

We went to Karlssons restaurant for dinner today, we must alternate something even though Selenas & Pacos salads and pies are the very best!


Todays dinner:


Some other pictures from the interior:

IMG_0108  IMG_0107

Mr Lifecruisers daughter – and some Norwegian friends that use to come here every summer – has arrived today. There might be some socializing in the evenings from now on, if the weather allows it :-)

My sisters has arrived to Gotland now too, to a cottage they rent there, so some day we’ll meet them too. Maybe Friday when the weather is better!


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8 Comments on “Caught in the net today”

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Wonderful pics! Flowers are so beautiful! And the typical farm, the fishing village, the stone houses. I love!
    An atmospher for writers. In a such place, you can find inspiration!

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    We´ve got two things in common today: Clematis and pizza. Lovely shots – thanks for taking us with you on this cyber cruise in the cyber cruise ;-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    BOY am I behind on my visits HERE! I dO apologize… I’m SO busy I can’t find a minute for cruising! I’m sO glad though that YOU are having the time of your life relaxing and enjoying the sea air!!! I am sooooooo jealous! And that pizza looks really YUMMY! (I’m hungry!)

    Okay… I’m off to see the rest of the posts I’ve missed! Keep having fun…. I’ll catch up when I can! Don’t worry about me!!!

    aka R'acquel AUSTRALIA said:

    Yay! Thanks for this wonderful virtual holiday. It’s been such a great get-away from work! The flowers are devine and the food was delicious, inspring me to get off my butt and get a little more adventurous in the kitchen at this end. Yummo… A good reminder that i’m going to need to give myself a real break from work like this in the not too distant future too!

    mar SPAIN said:

    It is so much fun to follow your vacation! Take care until I get back :)


    That lamp is really cool! Such unique places everywhere that you go. All of your pictures are awesome!!!

    russ AUSTRALIA said:

    wow, nice fish…

    ya know what, if you put the fish with some flower on top and then deep fired severd with some salt and pepper, that ‘s nice…

    you pizzer looks good too…

    nice blog, i will definitly come back…

    Confessions of a Boy from Margaret River is another blog i visit quite often…

    Ev Nucci UNITED STATES said:

    Wow, I really love the shots of the farm. It looks fascinating and a grand place to just relax and visit. Wouldn’t it be a cool place to have a winery? I can imagine hanging out there and drinking wine all day long…course I don’t want hang with the “celestial cows”

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