Comments on: Certified partnership or wedding Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Sat, 10 Nov 2012 14:49:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: that frolicsome kid that frolicsome kid Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:57:10 +0000 Love is really wonderful and it knows no boundaries. And really, I don't see what is wrong with having homosexual marriages. I guess people have this prejudice against people with a different sexual orientation but it's not really their fault, is it? It's wonderful to know that Sweden is making steps in allowing homosexual marriages. Although you suggested that it's still segregation, in my opinion, they're taking steps to shatter the prejudices surrounding homosexual marriages and striving to give it equal status as heterosexual marriages. Love is really wonderful and it knows no boundaries. And really, I don’t see what is wrong with having homosexual marriages. I guess people have this prejudice against people with a different sexual orientation but it’s not really their fault, is it?

It’s wonderful to know that Sweden is making steps in allowing homosexual marriages. Although you suggested that it’s still segregation, in my opinion, they’re taking steps to shatter the prejudices surrounding homosexual marriages and striving to give it equal status as heterosexual marriages.

By: maiylah maiylah Wed, 20 Jun 2007 00:00:11 +0000 interesting post! like you, i would never go into a homosexual or polygamous relationship myself; but that doesn't mean i would want that for others. to each his own, i guess. as long as there is love and happiness around! :) interesting post!
like you, i would never go into a homosexual or polygamous relationship myself; but that doesn’t mean i would want that for others. to each his own, i guess. as long as there is love and happiness around! :)

By: mar mar Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:16:59 +0000 Ever since it is legal in Spain (but not the church wedding) the country hasn't experience an increase in poligamy...more than it used to be!!! It reminds me of those people against abortion saying once it is legalized all women will be having one every other month...Yes, we are that dumb! Ever since it is legal in Spain (but not the church wedding) the country hasn’t experience an increase in poligamy…more than it used to be!!!
It reminds me of those people against abortion saying once it is legalized all women will be having one every other month…Yes, we are that dumb!

By: chase chase Tue, 19 Jun 2007 00:41:04 +0000 Yeah so I heard coz some Norwegian lesbians move to Sweden for that reason Yeah so I heard coz some Norwegian lesbians move to Sweden for that reason

By: Ash Ash Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:31:06 +0000 At least the Swedish Church recognizes not all are heterosexual! You are all more far along than America! Hubby and I couldn't even find a minister to marry us because we didn't belong to a church. We did find one, but it was near impossible! I agree with what you wrote. Here from Michele's! At least the Swedish Church recognizes not all are heterosexual! You are all more far along than America! Hubby and I couldn’t even find a minister to marry us because we didn’t belong to a church. We did find one, but it was near impossible!
I agree with what you wrote.
Here from Michele’s!

By: wildheart wildheart Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:06:39 +0000 Ya know to each their own it is not my place to say one way to love is any more wrong than the other. I can say that I lived about half a block from a gay bar and I was on a gay dart team. I have nothing against the gay lesbian community. I don't see why they can't have the same rights as everyone else does in the marriage area. I shouldn't be illegal to love someone or complicated with beaucracy. I personally am straight and love the male form. Ya know to each their own it is not my place to say one way to love is any more wrong than the other. I can say that I lived about half a block from a gay bar and I was on a gay dart team. I have nothing against the gay lesbian community. I don’t see why they can’t have the same rights as everyone else does in the marriage area. I shouldn’t be illegal to love someone or complicated with beaucracy. I personally am straight and love the male form.

By: RennyBA RennyBA Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:46:15 +0000 I'm so glad you brought this up as it is an important issue about accepting and treat everybody as equal and the right to live their life as they wish - as long as they don't harm any. How can the fact that two of the same sex love each other, harm any other?!? Some of my best friends (including Chase who commented on the situation in Norway in the very best way) are guy and they are the most open, loving and caring people I know. I think the most important part is that they obtain the same fully rights in the society as heterosexual couples, including adoption. If people would show more respect for others, rather than criticize and judge, the wold would be a much better place to live in. I think the predigest is based on perceptions and that they are afraid of facing that others might have a different way in living there life! Looking forward to the next post:-) I’m so glad you brought this up as it is an important issue about accepting and treat everybody as equal and the right to live their life as they wish – as long as they don’t harm any. How can the fact that two of the same sex love each other, harm any other?!?
Some of my best friends (including Chase who commented on the situation in Norway in the very best way) are guy and they are the most open, loving and caring people I know.
I think the most important part is that they obtain the same fully rights in the society as heterosexual couples, including adoption.
If people would show more respect for others, rather than criticize and judge, the wold would be a much better place to live in.
I think the predigest is based on perceptions and that they are afraid of facing that others might have a different way in living there life!
Looking forward to the next post:-)

By: Lifecruiser Lifecruiser Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:40:03 +0000 <b>Thanks for the information Chase :-) Actually here in Sweden, registred partners got the right to get custody of and adopt kids the 1 februari 2003 and since the 1 juli 2005 women that lives in partnerships kan get access to assisted fertilization. So we're already a step on the way :-)</b> Thanks for the information Chase :-) Actually here in Sweden, registred partners got the right to get custody of and adopt kids the 1 februari 2003 and since the 1 juli 2005 women that lives in partnerships kan get access to assisted fertilization. So we’re already a step on the way :-)

By: Genesis Genesis Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:48:59 +0000 I see nothing wrong with marriage between same-sex couples, many of them last longer than "traditional" couples. It seems rather ridiculous that we are so paranoid about things like this. Imagine if all the energy that is put into protesting same-sex marriages was channeled into something useful like finding a cure for cancer? A much better use of fanatics, I think. I see nothing wrong with marriage between same-sex couples, many of them last longer than “traditional” couples.

It seems rather ridiculous that we are so paranoid about things like this. Imagine if all the energy that is put into protesting same-sex marriages was channeled into something useful like finding a cure for cancer? A much better use of fanatics, I think.

By: claudie claudie Mon, 18 Jun 2007 18:17:53 +0000 Well, you understand in France we have a long way to do still! When will our parlement vote a such law?? Not tomorrow! One mayor in France married two mens but it was not validated! For me all is ok but When I ask me: " and if it was my daughter?" I would accept if it would her happiness. But in this case it would take me a time to accept really the situation, i think! And I 'm sure that all these politics men who don't accept these weddings are not so white as they want to do believe us.... Well, you understand in France we have a long way to do still! When will our parlement vote a such law?? Not tomorrow! One mayor in France married two mens but it was not validated!
For me all is ok but When I ask me: ” and if it was my daughter?” I would accept if it would her happiness. But in this case it would take me a time to accept really the situation, i think!
And I ‘m sure that all these politics men who don’t accept these weddings are not so white as they want to do believe us….
