
Cheers for Friday

Mrs Lifecruiser Cheers

In Swedish: Skål för Fredag!

It’s foggy outside this evening… and obviously even here on the inside… *lol*.

We decided to cheer for the fact that it’s Friday. Seems blurry to you? It is!

Swedes do have problems with the alcohol - it’s too expensive! We pay bloody high taxes, so no wonder that we love to shop tax-free…

We can only buy alcohol in special stores, called Systembolaget. Not in ordinary stores. Well, sort of, very light beers, but not wine or anything else.

Have a toast with us! What can we offer you to drink? Champagne? Campari? Martini? Whiskey? Mixed drink with a colored umbrella?

C H E E R S. . .

[ H I C K ]

Oh, and you better hurry up with your orders while we still are able to mix your drinks properly - if you don’t like surprises…

Comments on Cheers for Friday

  • 1
    sisiggy UNITED STATES said:

    Tanqueray martini straight up — three olive, slightly soiled. (NOT DIRTY — slightly soiled.

  • 2
    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    There you go… with some extra olives at the side… and the next T martini coming as soon as you finished this one…

    Cheers :-)

  • 3


    I will have the lot! just mix it in a bucket, stick an umbrella and cherry on top and push my head into it!

    Hope you have a good drink, get drunk and have FUN!!!!

    Bye for now folks!

  • 4
    skye UNITED STATES said:

    Sure hope I’m not too late in placing my order. I’ll take a Sea Breeze, thank you very much :smile:

  • 5
    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Cheersschh fartin martiiin :-)

    And a Sschea Breeze issch coming up Sccchkye… (hick)

    Ooopssch…there it went…a little bit offsschide… never mind, you get another one on the housche !

    *smiling silly*

  • 6
    Kasia POLAND said:

    Hm..on the other side of the Baltic Sea alcohol is popular and cheap. Feel free to be invited for a couple of drinks.:)

  • 7
    Mandy NETHERLANDS said:

    I’ll have anything that’s going. Surprise me!

    Mandy :)

  • 8
    Dave UNITED STATES said:

    I’ll have what you’re having. It seems to work pretty good!

  • 9

    Skål! You have a great blog!

  • 10
    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    You’ll have a White Chocolate Martini then Mandy:

    Cheers Dave, you got a welcome back Dom and then Irish whisky (sorry, no Scotch).

    Dejligt Libertybelle :-)

  • 11
    Dave UNITED STATES said:

    That’s just fine. Although I don’t like to admit it the Irish have some MacBean blood running through their veins.

  • 12
    Walker CANADA said:

    WE can only buy our liquir at the liquir store here to and the beer at the beer store. The pot we buy at any corner where a guy says PSSSSSSSSST want to buy some pot LOL

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