We all know who use to say that blogging connect people, which certainly were a suitable expression for our last trip to our blog gathering in France. So what could be a better start of the trip than to stay the night before at Connect Hotel Skavsta?
We decided to stay there to really get a good nights sleep the night before our Ryanair flight to France. After all it’s about 100 km to the airport from our home in Stockholm, so we had to leave home a bit too early for our taste.
Normally we’re always late with our packing, stay up way too late in the night before going away. This time we wanted to avoid that and arrive as fresh as possible. (Ha!)
It was a great stay there, I’m impressed over this very simple and rather cheap hotel. The standard were great considering the low price: 676 SEK ($92 / €65) for 2 persons in a double room. (You get a 15 percentage off at early bookings).
Lifecruiser taking a photo of herself and the room
If you’re a family of four and don’t mind not having an own bathroom in the room – just want a quicksleep room, you can get away with the low price of 595 SEK ($78 / €55) for all four, breakfast included!
So: Did we get a whole nights sleep there?
Nyes. Ha ha ha. I really don’t know how we do it – we managed to stay up a bit too late there too! (Whispering: they have a bar…)
Maybe it was too nice there…? *giggles*
For anyone arriving/departure at Stockholm Skavsta Airport, I highly recommend to book Hotels in Stockholm-Skavsta Airport (NYO). I believe in enjoying your trip to the fulliest and that means that you should avoid being exhausted by early or late flights.
Lifecruiser ♥ Hotels
I have no idea how much are the swedish crowns ! The hotel looks nice, though.
BTW I am very curious to see some more pictures of your meeting at Claudie’s ! Neither the connecting people Rennie nor our Blog Papa showed a lot of photos of your gathering !
Yes, Gattina, now I’ve updated the post with the roomrates both in USD and Euro
…. I sooo understand that you’re curious, photos of the blog gathering is on the way, step by step!
I want to write the blog posts in order, it gets so confusing otherwise. At least for myself
I was just on the way over to your blog to see what you’ve been up to, but now I had to update this post and the hungry moster woke up, so it has to wait until after cooking dinner, see you later!
Looks nice. I think I wouldn’t want to sleep. I would want to see and hear everything!
That looks comfortable!
Btw, I thought at first glance that the picture of you was a poster on the wall! Had to check again!
Yea, we connect all right and in a wonderful way at our blog gathering (proving my saying)
Looks like a good way to start and I guess they serve champagne in the bar too then
I’ve done the same as you will: post from our blog gathering trip in a chronological way. It’s a great way to recall the lovely stay at Claudie & Pierre too.
That looks like a wonderful place to stay and I look forward to the days when I can travel around the world and meet up with all of the wonderful bloggers! The most of which I have met through you!
That’s very cheap and with the pictures you showed here the place looks modern and neat. I like it.
Btw, i like the red? outfit you’re wearing looks very nice on you.
You have the same attitude when writing about our unforgetable blogger meeting “chez” Claudie and Pierre:
We start with the beginning.
The Connect hotel seems to understand the Market:
Fair prices for people who fly with Ryan Air. Then they’ll have lot’s of Guests.
I say nothing about the fact it is a Bar in the hotel;-))
btw. I’m halfway down to our blog-meeting. In the Home of George Sand. An unique personality and a woman far ahead her time. If you do not have heard about her, take your time to read.
Wow, that’s a great price. Doesn’t have to be swanky you’re only sleeping there. But it looks quite cosy
Looks like a nice place to stay. I can understand that when you only have a few hours there you want to stay awake and have fun!!
[...] Remember to visit our fellow cruisers. RennyBA, Claudie, TorAa, and Lifecruiser. [...]
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