As you can notice, I’ve changed to Christmas colors for my theme now, so I decided that it had to be something matching in the post. Since we’re heading for winter now and I’ve been forced to stay at home because of my back I hadn’t any recent photos related to garden or nature.
Then I stumbled over this photo. I have no idea what kind of Rose this is, but I remember that it was taken in Fuerteventura, Spain. We were driving around the island and had made a stop in a small town, walking around and shooting with our cameras all the time.
Close ups of flowers on the way, signs, scenery and so on. Outside somebodys house we took some close ups of flowers when suddenly the owner invited us into her garden to see her Roses. She was very proud of them, even though they had bloomed out a bit.
I find it very nice that the interest of gardening can bring people together like this. Even though we had difficulties to understand each other, since we can’t speak Spanish, there was an understanding in the air.
Shared interests can do a lot or what do you say?
Lovely rose. I have never been gifted growing them, but, I have an Amerilys growing in my guest room. It’s the first time I have done this.
Soon puppies!
Lifecruiser: I had yellow roses in my garden when I had a garden and they was lovely really. Roses are special. I’ll pop over to see how it goes with Gretas puppy belly
I’m full of emotion and i hope i can express it all properly. I want to thank you for so much…
the picture is so beautiful. that is a most beautiful rose. a rose of all roses.
how lovely your new design is. i love your creativity, your zest for life and how it comes through even in the blog’s designs. you always manage to celebrate the year’s seasons in so many ways, including dressing up your blog so beautifully.
and for the pictures in flicker..oh my, i just spend some time, happily i might say sharing in your life and joy. you take such grand pictures my sweet. breathtaking is another appropiate word, my mind was blown over and over and over again. i have never seen such a collection before and then, then i find your engagement set, your wedding photos and i am here all teary eyes…how wonderful to meet you friend. what a lovely face you have. you are so beautiful! and mr. Lifecruiser, he is so handsome. you two, your joy for life is the sparkle in the eye i see. what a beautiful couple. i don’t think i have seen love pop out of a page like two just shared with me the most important days of your life. your wedding, your engagement, your trips, honeymoon: i feel so honored to be let in to your world and to see in pictures what i read in words always. the beauty that you see in each other, in nature and in life. the love that binds you together and will for all your days. you are both mighty Blessed. for you both have truly found what we all hope for. a friend, a lover, a partner for all life’s journey…
and all of it shows me it is possible. to be loved that way, to be wanted that way, to be longed that way…i go now back to sleep with the story of two souls that became one and the love that is so evident and plain to see…
Lifecruiser: I’m so happy that I can share these pictures with you Chana! Yes, I believe that the pictures show how much we LOVE and love life and we really want to show you all that. No one that were on our wedding can ever doubt our strong love for each other. The whole day was filled with vibrant love and we never wanted to stop kissing! Even the priest did catch the love finally, he was a very strange priest, difficult to reach.I’ve never expereinced one like him. (There were difficulties to get hold of a priest to hold the ceremony, it was so popular with wedding that you have to decide for a year in advance!) I’m so glad that you could catch the feelings of ours when we take these pictures, because we really want to share that with you! It’s that motto of ours, you know, LIVE, LOVE, ENJOY LIFE….
I love your Christmas blog! Very pretty! I like that we can all find common ground to share in this world other than war! You make a very good point there! And her roses must have been just beautiful if the picture is an indication of them! She had good reason to be proud! Thanks for the share! Hope you are having a good Sunday!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Debbie
You’ve put it so nicely with the common ground expression there! As always. I’ll write a post tomorrow with a round up of the situation over here. Hope you’ve a wonderufl Sunday too!
The rose is beautiful indeed but the friendliness of the lady you met is the best part of your post today…in my opinion. *s*
Lifecruiser: Yes, I do agree completely with you there Chi
I love your Christmas theme! :-}
Not sure what kind of flower that is either… but it is sure red and beautiful! I hope your back is starting to feel a little better.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Froggie
Well, my back takes it’s time obviously. I’ll write something about it later. right now I’ll have a quiet Sunday evening…
That’s neat! It’s so amazing just HOW friendly people CAN be… we don’t often hear about it though. We’re too busy hearing about how bad they can be instead! I love that you shared this story!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I so agree with you there, we hear too much bad things all the time! Bring forward the positive ones!
Like the new color of the blog and the rose.
Shared interests can do a lot. Like music or gardening or sharing not wanting to get shot by handing over your wallet to the friendly man with the gun..
Lifecruiser: I’m very very generous THAT way
Love your Christmas Theme!
The red is nice and warm on a chilly day here!
Lifecruiser: Thank you Lynn. Yes, we thought so too, that we wanted some warm colors as a change!
Love the reds too (but no, I’m not gonna change mine this time). Why don’t you have the photo switch as you click thing anymore though? I’m not sure I’m a big fan of the crashed Santa. It’d be great if we’d get all sorts of warm fuzzy winter pics this month. Ah, then again, it’s the posts that count, isn’t it? Hope to see lots of them about the real Swedish Christmas.
Lifecruiser:I don’t have the photo switch because I didn’t have possibility to prepare that, because of my back pain - as simple as that
It might come later on though. Aha, so you’re feeling sorry for Santa hah? *LOL* And there is NO winter pics that’s warm… But I get what you mean anyway
A very lovely red rose and such a wonderful story. Gives a nice heartwarming feeling. The rose, I can almost smell it’s sweet fragrance.
Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Christine
Yes, I can almost smell it too….
Your blog looks beautiful ! Congratulations I also try my best to get it a little christmaslike, but am limited with my html knowledges. So you were shooting in Fuertoventura, hope that there are still some cats left.
Lifecruiser:Thank you Gattina, I’m glad you like it
He he he…I actually did shoot som cats, but they already looked like dead. (relaxing in the sunshine
I know what kind it is–beautiful and lovely! Thanks for sharing.
My Monday Memories is up–I know you’re not playing anymore, but hope you’ll visit.
Lifecruiser: Yes, yu probably got it right there
Of course I’ll visit you anyway!
What a nice Christmas template!
I always say Blogging connecting people, now I can see flower does it too - really nice!
Btw: Thanks for your visit and your comments. To your question: The Norwegian special fish ‘Rakfisk” (=fermented fish) is probably from the 13 or 12 th century. I had a post about it earlier:
Lifecruiser: Thanks RennyBA
Aha, I’ll pop over at once and have a look at that post!