
Finally I’ve come around setting up the feature to post a photo from Flickr directly to my blog!

It took me this time. I’ve just not thought I had any use for it before, but now when the summer is approaching and I’m buying a new cell phone soon, I might wanna share photos from it more at once.

So now you may see pictures of my toes dipping in the sea at the beach in real time… *giggles*

This will ease the procedure a bit. It was very easy to set up in Flickr under: Your account / Extending Flickr / Your Blogs / Configure your Flickr-To-blog Settings.

I could even send this test post to confirm that everything was correct setup:

“This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.”

Though I did set up a special WordPress user in my blog for this, with the lowest permissions, to be on the safe side :-)

I also did choose NOT to store the password for the account. I’m always very cautious of me.

There is also the feature of sending photos by your email directly to your blog, which I’m going to check out as well.

You’ll never know when it can be useful ;-)

Captain Photomaniac Lifecruiser

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13 Comments on “Posting Flickr photos to blog”

    mar SPAIN said:

    Hope you had a wonderful BBQ yesterday!! I have only a free flickr account with very limited capacity so I haven’t touched it for over a year… should go look if it is still alive :)

    Kasia POLAND said:

    You are really good at these programmes and electronic stuff. I am impressed because such things scare me and I always do something wrong and it doesn’t work the way it should be working.
    Have a nice party!!!!:)

    MikeM said:

    Great blog!! I will be back for more!!

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    That´s a pretty cool feature – thanks for sharing. I´ll hop over and see if it works for blogger, too.


    Sanni – the one who likes it “LIVE”

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, thanks! it was so nice weather and a tasty dinner, so we were pleased :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Well, I should be at least any god with it since I’ve worked within the IT-bransch for 20 years… *s*

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, it can be done for a lot of different kind of blogs!

    Debbie said:

    Hmmm not sure if it is something I will use but I will look it over. May come in handy on my road trip this summer!

    andy UNITED STATES said:

    Even though it’s only partialy related…

    I tried using google’s picasa for a while but I stopped using it. It seemed like people are going out of my site just for the pictures which I think is a bad visitor experience. I am thinking about integrating a gallery into my site.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanks, you’re much welcome back :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, that’s quite possible!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I’ve been thinking about that too, since I started this blog, but not found the right gallery functions to use yet…

    Ponn Sabra said:

    Interestingly, when I finally learned how to put images up via flickr; my audience and I appreciated my blog much better.

    I have yet to learn how to do all the detailed features you describe though ;-)

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