At last, done with our Flickr Pro account!!!
We have a lot of photos to choose between so I suspect that we’ll have a lot to do for a long time ahead sorting out the good ones and uploading all of them to flickr….
The first ones out is from our journey to the guest ranch in Paraguay and Iguazu falls, after that it will be a few from Brazil and then from our other passed journeys too.
Take a peek at our Flickr photostream at their site OR by the cool photo badge (flash) in the right sidebar on this page. We have even added a menu choice “Photo” in the top of this blog, which will take you to our flickr photostream.
Enjoy our photos
Don’t flattering us too much, we may throw in all the others seven hundreds billions photos we have! *lol*
In this case it was easy to take the photos, because of all the good stuff that kept popping up in front of us!!!!