OK, I may not talk about the subject YOU were interested in (lol) and this is a bit old news since November, but it’s still a very essential one.
And I’m quite sure that it really can have an impact on your possibilty to get layed
Scottish and Canadian researchers have with a new form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) established that the best position to sit in is to be slightly layed back, at about 135 degrees. The way we have been told so far, in 90 degrees, places an unnecessary strain on our backs.
I find this news especially interesting since I’ve noticed that I myself, prefer to sit in that position, despite my back problems. I have been wondering why and almost felt guilty about it, but since I trust my body I have kept going with what has felt the best for me.
I also wonder why this haven’t been questioned earlier? It seems like a very basic thing, don’t you think? OK, they have the images now, but shouldn’t they have been able to come to the same conclusion theoretically?
Obviously some one did at last, since they did the research, but just think of how much pain humans could have been spared by knowing this and preventing back pain!
Including mine… Which also is why you won’t see any tackles done here today!
Source: BBC News Health
Thanks for sharing, Mrs Lifecruiser! Sigh, I’m a sloucher and hunchback myself, and I really have difficulty standing straight/sit up. Well, at least I don’t have to sit up so straight now. Too bad the chairs here aren’t reclinable. *adds one to the shopping list*
And I always used to think that sitting straight up is good for posture
Lifecruiser: So we’ll have a more layed back style now huh? *lol*
What an appropriate title…
Lifecruiser: Yes, it does has a good sound, hasn’t it? *lol*
Very interesting ! But how and with what do I have to calculate the 135 degrees ? I always slept during Math courses. Anyway as I am not normal, for me the best position is to be bent a little towards my screen (I am shortsighted). I have also suffered badly from back ache but since I go swimming everyday for half an hour it’s gone.
By the way my tackle for tuesday is to tackle you out of bed and start tackling the Tuesday tackles !
Lifecruiser: Of course, you’re not normal, we aren’t either and that’s why we love to be around you
Well, if you get some sort of support by hanging on your elbows, I actually think that’s an OK position too. Yes, swimming is a good exercise, if doing it on the back side otherwise it puts to much strain on the back and neck. But it’s not for me anyway since my skin don’t like the chlorine in the water…
Oh, my, you’ve really got a tough tackle there haven’t you????? *lmao* We’re just hopeless right now. We have actually gone to bed at 10 o’clock in the morning for two days in a row. It’s totally insane. *shaking my head*
Please kick our butts and hard
What will those wacky Canadians come up with next..
Actually all Canadians sit like that. All the time. In fact we haven’t stood up in years.
Glad someone finally shared our lazy ways with other countries, ha,ha..
Lifecruiser: But why did you keep it to yourself for that long huh? *lol*
I really enjoyed your post, specially because my ex boss used to mock at my position to sit, nearer to your 135 degrees than to the usual 90 degrees, I ll keep it in mind, and try to calculate the right formula
Lifecruiser: Ah, yes, it really can come in handy then to have scientific proof huh? *s*
Interesting info! but of course the Canadians would help figure that out. We’re brilliant I tell ya!
Hey … nominated you in the 2007 bloggies for best European blog.
Nominations end at 10 pm today!
Lifecruiser: Well, I can only agree to that Tricia! About the 2007 bloggies: I must laugh, because a couple a days ago I was there and nominated yours, both as best Canadian and as a garden blog under specific topic blog, but I haven’t had the time (=health issues) to go over and tell you about it yet
WELL! You certainly got our attention, didn’t you! LOL! LC – you crack me up! I have never liked sitting up at 90 degrees — I always found that uncomfortable — but yes – that IS what the teachers always said in school. “Sit up STRAIGHT” … I think that NOT slouching is much more important than sitting up straight… but then again …. I’ve always had back pain – and see a chiropractor regularly! (it’s much better since I’ve been exercising) But I had no specific INJURY to my back … just normal pain – if there is such a thing! But anyway… I DO find this study very interesting! But… can we sit back at 135 and still TYPE comfortably??? THAT’s the IMPORTANT thing! I think I’ll sit at 113.5!
Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha – got ya! *LOL*
Well, when it comes to back pain, we can’t just call it back pain because like everithing else in this world, everything can differ from person to person and there is a bunch of different problems or injurys, so it really is individual.
Oh, yes, we have to sit up a little bit more than 135 degrees – or we’ll fall off the chair! *LMAO*
That’s interesting, and it makes sense. I actually prefer to sit at a 90 degree angle and my back hurts if I don’t. My car seat sits straight up and my husband always immediately changes it when he drives. He likes to sit back a little.
Lifecruiser: But actually car seats are a bad thing generally and especially when you have some kind of injury. The worst place to sit. It’s the angle of the seat, it make you sit in the one angle you should avoid. The knees shouldn’t be above the hips at all if you see it from the side.
hi, i’m back from hybernation and moving. i wish i could lay back, no matter the position. but moving from house to house in costa rica is sooooo not fun and i don’t have internet at home which complicates life sooooo much.
happy new year
Lifecruiser: Welcome back Marina
Wow, that sounds like a tough time – phew! I do hope you get it all in order soon and can have a wonderful happy new year!
Oh your poor back. I am glad you are smarter than the medical people or you would be dead by now! I have been doing lots of tackles and now my back hurts but it is just the lower left over my hip. I am guessing it is time to have it checked out!
Boy I sure was hoping to find some pointers. Now I have to go figure out what sitting at 135 degrees is!
Lifecruiser: I’m still building up some will power and strength to do the the tackles… I’m sure you’ll find out the 135 degrees
He-he-he, now the bosses can’t command your working position any longer. Nor the teachers at school. Just wait to the next study: Sitting positions are indivudual. Hurray for the respect for each person.
My fav posistion is 55 degrees. I turn my office chair and lean forward and swinging my legs in free air. Should be a must for all shortsigthed indivual.
Maybe I should post a picture of my chair?
Support Freedom of sitting positions!!
Lifecruiser: Yes, how about every decision, order or whatever would be individual? That would be something! If they only could get that in their minds, that we actually are individuals….