Guess who arrived here today? Our new pet, Brussell Crow!
I tell you, he is a fabulous pet, one with style, just look what he instantly took a ride in! A Cabriolet! Look how the speed wind are blowing in the feathers!
I bet he is as fond of Champagne as we are… or he will soon be… *giggles*
OK, I suspect that he might be Russell Crowe in a disguise, maybe he wanted a Scandinavian vacation incognito…?
Seriously, this is such a nice gift. He has been flying all the way from the US to Sweden. Released from his wonderful SwordMama, free to change homes! I feel so connected, I wanna fly that way too, to hug her.
Want one of your own? Go to SwordMama Etsy Shop and get one! Because you won’t get mine, he’s a keeper!
And: he’ll fit perfectly at Halloween too!
Halloween is approaching fast, are you prepared? Have you decorated your home?
Sent out invitations for or sent answer to invitations to any Halloween party? Decided what horror looking dishes to eat?
Figured out your Halloween costumes? (You can see my funny Halloween Costumes ideas for a future party here).
I know one person that ALWAYS seem to be well prepared for Halloween, with both her home and blog very creative decorated. She awarded me with this neat Halloween treat.
…but, honestly, if it’s some one that should be awarded for the right Halloween spirit, it’s Hootin’ Anni herself!
Hop over and have a look for yourself and leave her a nice comment – not only to become a candidate for the Halloween treat yourself, but to show how wonderful this blog world really is.
Full of not scary ghosts, only very friendly bloggers
Lifecruiser ♥ Halloween
Brussell Crow! Perfect name! LOL I’m so glad he got to you over the big ocean.
He looks like he’s having so much fun already. You are the best Captain! ((()))
p.s. D is gonna be Freddy Kruger and Soma is a knight. They got their costumes over the weekend. I’ll have to check out your link for J and me. hehe
SwordMamas last blog post..Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz …
Been there – that was fun! I just had to do my own ‘doodles’ to see what I came up with. That was fun – thank you!
Carolines last blog post..Cultural differences
Awwwwwwwwwwww, that’s sweet. You made my day Captain. Yes, I love Halloween…but thing is, I’m not like our daughter…she even goes all out for the holiday too, and believe it or not she likes it more than I!!! [if that's possible.]
Happy day…Happy October…Happy Halloween.
Brussell Crow…I like that! Halloween spirit? My favourite spirit on Halloween (or any time) is gin and tonic…(smirk).
Puss in Bootss last blog post..Buddy
brusell crow… LOL… that name is a creation of a genius, hahaha
Irvin Ryans last blog post..Should I Still Continue Playing My Guitar
Brussel Crow? LOL! You don’t want the Gladiator to find out you have a drunk pet bird named after him. He might just come over and knock your head off with a telephone or something.
Why not Brussels Crow, lol ? I posted a comment on your Halloween link, but I don’t know if it was published.
In case you haven’t I did my Halloween decoration already a week ago (because of Hootin Anni who is contagious) if you want to have a look it’s here
Gattinas last blog post..
SwordMama has hands in gold! She creates so beautiful creatures! and as soon as possible I will visit Hootin’ Anni! I had already read about her halloween creativity!
claudies last blog post..Exhibition au Domaine des Vassaux