Screen Test
Screen Test, 1964.
Oil on canvas. Gil Elvgren.

So, no sercret island today either? And no more A-Team Passes handed out yet? Man, what am I doing since I never get those done? *giggles*

Well, yesterday we were visiting my Mom to cheer her up and today we have another interesting mission to carry out!

I discovered that the Royal Swedish Opera House is going to sell out some of their costumes, so we’re going to their warehouses to have a look. I need a cape and hat that might fit to my 17th century and medieval dresses.

If I’m allowed to and if they have something worth to show, I’ll take some photos to show you!

We might even take some nice lunch somewhere… Or afternoon beer, after all it’s Friday :-D

Time for the Friday joke:

From the Lifecruiser ship, everyone can see a halfnekkid woman on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving her hands.

“Who is it?” a passenger asks the captain.

Captain Lifecruiser replies:

- “I’ve no idea. Every year when we pass, she goes nuts.”

I sincerely hope that this won’t be Ev, since she’s going to Maui and will start to report for our cyber cruise the 25th…. *giggles*

Captain Hag Rag Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
Hiking away in The French Alps
Howard Castle

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

Maui, Hawaii, US (Starts the 25th Aug)
The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark – Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

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10 Comments on “Hag rag time”

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I can’t wait to see your photos about 17 th century costums!!! Hope you will find something! Pierre ‘s mother is not very well too and we go to visit her this afternoon. You take an advance on the week end! A guiness???
    Tomorrow Hawaii!! What a destination! I prepare my surf!!

    Caledonia said:

    Can’t wait for the Hawaii post! It’s one of my dream destinations!

    mar SPAIN said:

    Have a fun friday and good luck finding that cape you hope for!
    Applying sun screen already :)

    TorAa said:

    Dear oh dear – my mother calledme the other day and aske why I did not call her as often as she expects. She is only 88.
    What could I say?
    Butt, I’m working the shit out of me.

    You wrote
    Royal Swedish Opera House is going to sell out some of their…

    If very interesting in Opera and fame:
    You can buy 2 tickets for the opening at the new opera in Oslo and have a plaque with your name for ever in the foaje. The price? NOK 250.000,-.

    For that price Anna and me would rather invite and pay for you and Mr L to come to Oslo and have great time.

    btw. Had a long phone call with my internet provider this afternoon. As a result we agreed upon I should pay no more than 50%, until they can deliver as specified. They admitted…. so, I still have to live with the unstable line.

    hugs to you and Mr L from Anna and me. Miss you

    Mark UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Hi Captain,
    I have to ask, what do you do in your 17th century costumes, or should i not ask….Lol
    I am sure a cape and hat will finish them off though.

    Cheers Mark

    TorAa said:

    Captain, U know – to plan for an outside event where about we live on this planet – - –

    Here in our summerhouse -24C – WHEN RETURNIG from work. That was such a sensation, we — yes you and Mr L know what to do.’

    May the 2 of you have a wonderful Sat-Sun


    Anna Y Tor

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Wish I could go with you in the opera and we could sneak in and sing and arie together! LoL

    Hope you got the time for a Friday beer – I’m sitting here with a Friday red wine!

    As to your joke: Are we passing the mermaid in Copenhagen?

    Off to Mar then!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    They do it here too selling clothes in our Opera/Theatre, but I have never had the idea to go there. Now you put a “flee in my ear” as they say in german, lol !
    I have a recepe for getting old on my blog ….

    Chamonix FRANCE said:

    If you’re able to get anything from the Opera sale you’ll going to have the best fancy dress garb of anyone I know. Happy shopping.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Sorry for the late answer Mark, butt as you know I’ve been busy creating cyber cruise posts :-)

    We’ve been using the old clothes for:

    1) Our wedding
    2)A Swedish Opera visit
    3) A Swedish medieval fair
    4) An Irish medieval banquet
    5) A birthday party

    Of course it started with the wedding and then we try to find use for them… Butt it’s not that easy nowadays…. *giggles*

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