
Last night we went to the newly opened Sylvis Döttrar’s on an Irish Pub evening. Home Brew were playing Irish music for us and very well too :-)

I started to drink Irish Whisky – what else on an Irish evening? *giggles* Yes, I know, GUINESS too!!!!

This was Tullamore Dew, it’s my favorite – it’s very mild which suits me since I’m not really a whisky lover. Actually Tullamore Dew learned me to at least taste other whisky brands, even though it’s still my favorite…


The Guiness was a fake one, on a can and shaked on a machine to make the foam. That’s cheating I say! It looked right, butt… There is no better Guiness than the one that is served on Ireland, in the right environment! Maybe that’s why I didn’t remember to take any pics of it.

There was not so much people out this rainy evening, just a brave crowd. Home Brew played excellent and we enjoyed it very much indeed. No dance music, but really gave us flashbacks from Ireland. One of them played on a Bazouki as the other band we saw the other night, but this was an 8-stringed one.

We talked to them in the pause and afterwards a bit at the bar and they were nice fellows really. We enjoyed it enough to stay until 01:30 obviously… *giggles*

Though why is it that so many persons that go out to have fun, not having fun? Don’t they know how to…? Sometimes I wonder if there is any law against having fun? *giggles*

We use to call such people raukar (Swedish for seastacks / rocks) like the ones at FÃ¥rö’s coast line, because they stand still like raukar instead of enjoying the music, dance and dig and clap their hands.

Today we slept until about 10 o’clock. Waking up to another grey day, butt suddenly….


Wow, a bit of a blue sky is in the sky! Sensation! The first one for several days! *dancing around*

Even though it didn’t last for long, so we decided to for some grocery shopping, very little. Neither one of us feel like cooking at home yet. So guess what we did…?

Yes, we went to Strandskogen Café again to blog!!!!


…and I just couldn’t resist Selena’s mouth watering delicious shrimp salad… I don’t know what she does with it, butt it’s clearly addictive! Yummy x millions.

It’s a shame, we haven’t been down to the most popular beach yet! Only one, the one you saw earlier, Skärsviken, butt the best ones is yet to be explored!

Well, is the weather going to improve? Some say it will be better tomorrow, some say not, stay tuned to see how it turns out!

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5 Comments on “Home Brew For The Crew”

    Caledonia said:

    The sun came out here too but there were still a lot of grey clouds. I quite like rain but even I’m tired of it!

    mar SPAIN said:

    We can trade for one day: you get the sun, we need rain!! your vacation keeps sounding wonderful, captain :)

    claudie FRANCE said:

    A beautiful evening stiil! And overall Irish ! I really love the irish music, it seems you travel in the past with these sonorities! Hum, i would taste a Tullamore Dew!
    And the fresh salad! Hope the weather will better. It’s the same in France but not here in provence. just sun and wind.

    Casablanca Travel PHILIPPINES said:

    hanging out just to listen to Irish music is simply perfect!

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Oh dear… I DO hope the weather behaves itself properly sOOn! Surely if you are going to be there for a whole month you will get a FEW good days in at least!!! I LOVE Irish music … must be the redhead in me! So glad you enjoyed the band… and the drink!

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