Lifecruisers ugly face
Join Wordless Wednesday

…butt Gattina is!

Head over to check what she got as 1st prize in the crazy hat parade!

Butt there really should be a prize for the ugliest face – which I am an expert on if I may say so myself ;-)

Mr Lifecruiser is nodding on this and saying:

“Uglier then ugliest, not even I can put up something like that! You’re not even able to recognize.”

I’m taking that as a HUGE compliment! *giggles*

Captain Ugly Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

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14 Comments on “I am not the winner…”

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Don’t ask me to do yoga exercises at my advanced age and which I have long forgotten ! I can’t put my feet around my neck to show you the socks !
    But yooouuu look really lovely ! To stick out your tongue on us !

    Lifecruiser: I’m just giggling and can’t seem to stop….

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Smashing! I was at Gattina’s first this morning — but I’m so much MORE impressed with your modeling job! LOL! ….. wanders off singing….

    Sheeeeee oughta be in pictuuuuuures…

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Melli! *giggles x 100*


    Great look Cap’n! LOL

    Sorry you got bit by the bug and hope you’re feeling better. Looks like you got some lovely new threads for the wedding and more!!

    Lifecruiser: I’m better now thanks :-)

    Edward Wolf UNITED STATES said:

    Do you have socks to match the hat? Love the “Show your TITS” twist.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-) Oh, yes, there are socks butt I sent them to the winner, so if you had gone over to her blog you could see them too.

    Debbie said:

    Love the hat but not too sure about the look! Is it Wednesday already? Where does the week go? I have a full work day week and will have to pull a full day on Saturday too! But the money will be good!

    Hope you are well.

    Lifecruiser: I know the feeling, I always think that time goes faster in the spring, because it’s my favorite season :-) Well, I’m as well as I can be – obviously alive and kicking and giggling, so it’ must be pretty well huh? *lol*

    that frolicsome kid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM said:

    Cool pose! I might copy that the next time I take a photo with my friends and family, lol! :lol:

    Lifecruiser: You do so! Have FUN :-)

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:


    Great gifts/prizes for the super hat model of this year’s cyber cruise!!! You did good capt’n!!!

    Lifecruiser: *giggles* Thanks Hootin’ Anni :-)

    Claudie FRANCE said:

    Even grimacing you look like a pretty woman, yes, yes ! Mr lifecruiser didn’t make a mistake when he choosed you!

    Lifecruiser: Actually he claims so too, butt I never believe him…. *giggles*

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Great gift and Gattina looks so sweet in this Viking outfit – good pick!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, she really fit in that outfit, looking much more lovely than I do :-)


    Happy WW!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks! You too :-)

    aka R'acquel AUSTRALIA said:

    *lol* I love it! I might need to make one to keep our ears warm in winter! =D

    Lifecruiser:Ha ha ha…. I can see the looks you would get then! *giggles*

    Coffee 2 go GERMANY said:

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    Of course you are a winner with this facial expression. I got no clue what will be your prize…. but I´m sure this is a winning picture *LOL*

    Lifecruiser: Thanks for your support Sanni! *giggles*

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    Those gloves are cool! What a great prize! Was that the book on Swedish traditions?

    Lifecruiser: Yes, they are cool, butt it really is toe socks she have put on her hands :-D The book is sort of with Swedish traditions butt with a twist!

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    Ps…Just got back from a hellafied day of shopping…

    Lifecruiser: No wonder! I loved the shoes most. So you’re ready for the spa day too huh? *lol*

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