
I got tagged by Jenny over at Where is Jenny. So I had to roll up my sleeves and put the writers hat on. I took the liberty to change the tags a bit too.

Jobs I’ve had:
1. Post Office Cashier/Instructor
My first job (after College) required a ten month long education with graduation. Wow, you can’t even imagine how much money was sliding through my fingers at that short time as a cashier! Maybe that’s the reason why money isn’t impressive for me? I had my chances to escape with millions, but nah, money is not all that counts.

2. Help Desk Technician/Manager *)
Oh boy, how much people I’ve been in phone with and helped out! Been the Tech-Angel. Then I had to take care of all the worn out Help Desk Staff… Pheeew!

3. Remedy (Application) Developer *)
Now, that was a fun job to have, sit and hack on the computer in piece and quiet after all the Tech-Angel hassles.

4. System/Server Management *)
It was hard work to get the systems & server equipment AND the technicians to work efficient.

5. Project Manager, IT *)
Managing new stuff projects to get it going, especially kicking all the project participants in their asses to do their jobs in time.

*) Worked as a consultant within these competences too. Had, for quite a while, all the jobs #2-5 at the same time! No wonder I’ve got so much back problems, a burned brain, grey hairs and wrinkles already.

6. Lifecruiser
Today I’m living happily ever after… with Mr Lifecruiser and travelling the world when we’re up to it. Maybe we’ll move abroad when time is right – and we’ve found the right place. Let the rest of my wonderful life continue….

Movies I can watch over and over:
Our wedding movie, Mr Bean movies, all memories in my brain.

Place I have lived:
Stockholm, Sweden, Earth. Some one, PLEASE send me to a warmer place! (Preferably not to hell)

TV programs I love(d):
Friends, Gilmore Girls, The Vet’s (English), Discovery Channel. I hardly ever watch TV any longer, there are so much other more creative or humane things that I found better to do.

Places I’ve vacationed:
Sweden (a lot, but my favourite is: Gotland-Fårö), Norway (Oslo, Dröbak), Åland, Finland (Turkku, Helsinki, Tampere, Forssa), Denmark (Copenhagen, Aalborg), Iceland, Germany (Sylt), Portugal (Algarve), Italy (Milano), France (Paris), Scotland (east/west coast and highlands), Greece (Crete), England (London), Spain (Fuerteventura, Lanzarote), The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Haarlem), U.S (Cleveland, Niagara Falls) Paraguay (working ranch outside Asuncíon), Argentina (Iguazu Falls), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro & Natal).

My favorite dishes:
As the hungry monster I am, most of the home cooked meals is favourites *drooling* and get shovelled in to my big mouth. Better to keep the monster stomach as calm as possible!

Sites I visit daily:
Our bed (so nice, soft, warm and on top of that: Mr Lifecruiser, my teddy, is there), kitchen (with so much good food and drinks *drooling heavily* ), bathroom (well…the WC is a good thing to have sometimes and the shower makes me smell better…)

Places I would rather be right now:
Bathing in the Blue Lagoon (Iceland), safari in Africa, travelling around Australia, Mexico, Argentina, driving a cab (Corvette Stingray 1957 to please Mr Lifecruiser) on the U.S. west coast, on a sunny beach some where poking around with my toes in warm sand – maybe dip a toe in the ocean…ahhh… lovely hot dreams… Well, about every where but in the cold old Sweden - as long as Mr Lifecruiser is with me!

My motto:

People I am tagging:
1. Mr Haney
2. Dot
3. Martin
4. Sharlet

Come on, don’t be shy, do the tag dance…

8 Comments on “I have been Tagged again”

    skye UNITED STATES said:

    Whenever I’ve read your posts or comments elsewhere, you always seem such an upbeat person, full of life, and madly in love with Mr Lifecruiser. He must be some guy!

    Loved your answers :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Loved your answer too skye :-) (who wouldn’t?)

    Yes, Mr Lifecruiser is so perrrrrrfect- for me!!!!

    sharlet SINGAPORE said:

    Haha! Thanks for the tag! :D

    (Actually, I don’t really know what this “tagging” thing is! ;))

    Lots of jobs you’ve been in are IT related - no wonder you’re such a whiz at creating websites and stuff!

    Suggestion for warmer place: Singapore! It’s tropical all year round (we’re just 1 degree north of the equator!), no earthquakes (not in the earthquake belt) or other natural disasters (except lightning - there is A LOT of lightning here for such a tiny island), and temperature always ranges from 27-33 degrees celsius! :cool:

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    The tag dance: Just copy the titles in my tagging post and write your own stuff below them on your own blog and tag 4 other bloggers in your turn. Piece of cake ;-)

    Singapore, yes, that should be on our list too, sounds like heaven comparing to this cold hell…. And Mr Lifecruiser LOVE lightning!!!! (I suppose he sees them as fireworks, which he also love).

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Oh, I just realized how OLD I am… when remembering that I’ve worked within IT for over 20 years!!!!

    *got a new wrinkle*

    martin UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes folks!

    I see you like mr bean movies, aren’t they just great, apparently there is a new one being filmed for release soon!

    Love the layout of this site, the colours are so calming, they make me so relaxed and just want to drift off into a lazy sleeeeeeeepZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    No, no, no sleeeping here, this is not a vacation hotel. You’re going to wake up with us dancing on your belly Martin!!!!!

    Come on, do the tag dance with us.

    sharlet SINGAPORE said:

    Thanks for enlightening me Mrs Lifecruiser! I’m going to try the tag dance soon. I hope I get it right!! (My first time!)

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