Another plugin I’ve installed is Bad Behavior – not to make my behavior more bad than it already is , but to prevent bad behavior from others.
So what is it with this Bad Behavior that makes me love it?
It’s working by target the spam methods rather than the the spam itself, which stops the spam efficiently even before it has reached my blog. It’s like having a chastity belt on you stopping them to molesting you, instead of catching the molesters afterwards!
I’m going out of this untouched – they won’t even get a chance to have a look at me! Oh boy, do I love that long nose they will have. Or wasn’t it the nose that was long…. *LMAO*
They’re not given the chance to attack my site with their crap, scrape my pages for addresses or use Web site cracking tools. My WP wont run, which will save CPU time, database activities and bandwidth! Woot!
It works best together with traditional anti-spam tools, like Akismet or Spam Karma 2 for WordPress, though it’s platform-independent which means you can run it on others too – even personalized custom scripts.
In WP it’s just as simple as install any other WP Plugin – just drop it in the Plugin folder and activate it in the Admin tool and that’s it.
Now, I’ve finally – as so many others before me – secured Lifecruiser from being shutdown by my webhost because my dedicated bandwidth is used by spammers. Phew.
Already after a short while BB told me that: “Bad Behavior has blocked 38 access attempts in the last 7 days”.
Ah, what a nice new almost spam free life
LOL! I always KNEW you welcomed Bad Behavior with OPEN ARMS!!! Now… with all your little upgrades, do your smilies work yet? Let’s see….
Lifecruiser: Nope! That won’t happen, at least until I changed layout I’ll think, to a totally new one. Maybe.*sigh*
Nope. But WP did tell me I’m posting comments TOO QUICKLY! SLOW DOWN it said! I guess I’m exhibiting BAD behavior!
Lifecruiser: He he. I guess the have some cooperation there to make you behave
I must be boring ! I only got 4 spams so far. One wanted me to place 1 mill $ for him (I sent this demand back, exactly 36 times) a princess who offered me a good investment in her country for only 500 $, I sent a loud laughing smiley email back that I only deal from 4 mill$ on, the third was a company who wanted me selling prozac, sexy underwear and other sex stuff and I told them by email I was castrated. The other one I don’t remember. But from all of them I didn’t hear again.
Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha. Good answers. But hardly boring Gattina, must be something else!!!! I think boring is the last thing any one would accuse you for being
I have wonderful filters that my friend installed. I don’t get much spam now at all.
But I am happy that my bad behavior got through! LOL
Lifecruiser: Me to, we want certain amount of bad behavior, don’t we? *lol* The right kind!
I try to imagination you with chastity belt and with your ongoing indoors golfing – hope Mr. L has the key then!
I don’t get that much spam, but maybe that’s because it isn’t my nose that is long LoL
Lifecruiser: He has, and it’s not old and rusty either
So you have one long leg huh? Isn’t that difficult to walk around with? *lmao*
have wonderful filters that my friend installed. I don’t get much spam now at all.
But I am happy that my bad behavior got through! LOL
i agree !!