I don’t want this day. I want to exchange it against a day with peace and quiet and some rest. Anyone offering one?
It starting early today (feel lucky that you aren’t here and see and hear me and I don’t like early mornings. It’s not my thing because of my back which make my night sleep not so good, so I need more sleep. Which I don’t get. Today and maybe a lot of days ahead too.
That’s because today is my first day at that sh*tty (excuse me, but it really is) place I wrote about earlier in my back cracks post.
They haven’t even told me how long I’m supposed to stay there today or the other days, there is a huge lack of information, which I’m going to tell them. Even if people that come there are on a sick leave, we at least have the right to know ahead for how long we’re supposed to be there.
Thing is that I really can’t cope with this. I’m not at all feeling well. On top of everything else, I’ve got a terrible headache and tootache – the gums is not well, some kind of inflammation.
Though I’m gonna sneak out of there in the early afternoon, no matter what they say, because I’m gonna go and visit my Mom at the hospital. She is getting antibiotics and they’re going to check her lungs among other things too.
My brother and other sister were there yesterday and she was mostly sleeping then, so maybe she is getting better. She is a dynamite lady, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes it even this time. She is unbelievable sometimes.
I’m going to update this post later, so you can hear all about my exciting first day at work
I’ll take the most important first: I did visit my Mom at the hospital. Read more about it on her blog Lifelessions.
I’ve survived my first day at the sh*tty place, which was just a long meeting the first day to plan my time there. She interviewed me a lot, did some paperwork and decided that the sewing, carpenting and kitchen duty was nothing for my back. (You don’t say? If you read my doctors opinion you wuld know this already)
So tomorrow Tuesday, I gonna start 10 am in their reception or maybe in the packing area if they have something that’s easy enough for me. I supposed to try to “work” for 3 hours. This is going to be a huge problem for me. Already to get myself there at 10 am will be a big obstacle.
I have no idea how my back will hold for this, I just know that it won’t, but how bad it’s gonna be we’ll have to wait and see.
I have a friend in Berlin and she had to do this for an entire month! She hated it. But yes, she survived. Good luck.
I hope your Mom feels better!
Lifecruiser: Yes, that’s exactly how I reason: It will be a h*ll, but I’ll survive. I’ll update the post with more info now.
Hope the morning goes by quickly. I’d swap with you if I could..
And I hope your Mom is feeling better today..
Lifecruiser: I’ll not notice the mornings probably, because I’ll be sleepwalking
Thanks, I’ll update about my mom.
Poor thing, it’s monday ! When I worked I always said they should cancel this day. Do you have such a bad back ? That’s terrible, but I don’t quite understand what you have to do at this place. Even though I red the back crack post.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s really that bad, my back. It’s a struggle every day even without having to attend to this kind of thing. I don’t understand why either since I have a doctors opinion on my back. And have had several doctors.
I must, because the social security agency (who give me my paycheck while I’m sick) want to make a judgement of my capabilities – or not capability if you wish. To speak frankly: they want somebody else to confirm how bad my back is so I (or my doctor) isn’t lying… Quite unhumane way I’ll say! I have to do it or they will not give me the money I have right to get.
I know things must be very difficult for you now. You are stuck in “that place” and your Mom is not doing well. And yet, somehow your humor and joy of life come through. I guess it’s because you have Mr. L to support you. Just know you and yours are in our prayers.
I haven’t been around much because life has gotten very busy. I’m taking a time out but will be around occasionaly.
Lifecruiser: Thanks for your kind words Dave. Yes, we’ve missed you very much
Well, I guess we all have periods in our lifes like that….
I haven’t been a very attentive blogger this past week of so have I! I am so sorry to read about your mom. I do hope she gets better! It just isn’t fair to have lived so long to only struggle so!
I sure wish I could help you feel better! But maybe you will get your answers and that will help. I find it frustrating when I go to something not knowing what all to expect. And then they try to just pacify you as if you aren’t really there! And then to not feel well at the same time I can see why you want to exchange your day!
I will check back for your update. For now i am going to read through all I have missed this past week. Take care my friend!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Debbie
I’m just so tired already, so I’ll do an update of the post and then go to bed… Phew…
Lifecruiser: Thanks. And how awful you’ve just made me feel now, because the smilies don’t really work
Your comments on the other hand made me quite happy
For now….I’d like to keep my thoughts and prayers for your mother. I read below and viewed her picture…a beautiful woman, and I still see a bit of determination and strength in her beauty!!
Tho she’s 80 and fragile now, she wants to be young again. Make her giggle if you can, make her happy. She needs you now as you needed her when you were a child!!
I’ve lost both my parents and I know how you’re feeling…depressed, anxious, scared, sad, nerves on edge…and you’re tired too from thinking/job. So, just be there for her, relax if you can and have courage for her.
Luvya bunches!!!
I hold you close in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Lifecruiser: Thank you so much for your lovely words Wystful, I hear that you know how it is. We’ve been trying just to get contact to her and we’ll see when we may bring froward the first smile again from her. She is very very tired – and who wouldn’t be after a sickness like this? Phew! It’s a miracle that she still is alive!
my day is not going well either. don’t think you want mine..i hope yours and mine settles soon, and that we find peace and comfort asap.
i hope your mom does well soon. i’m sorry she is not feeling well.
hugs to you both honey.
Lifecruiser: No, I think you’re right there – I don’t want to exchange my day with you, dear Chana! But I do wish for you to exchange away yours too!!! Ah, how nice it would be to know that you’re having a smashing time. *hugs*
Oh – soooo sorry to hear about your bad day! I sure hope your mom recovers well.
Personally I HATE mornings. No I mean I really hate them. The world should start at 10 am.
Sounds like you are busy, but in case you will be tackling, if you are looking for Tackle It Tuesday on my site today you need to scroll down. There is a post first about Jackson with a slide show of him dancing. A riot actually – you don’t want to miss it!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Janice for your kind words. I’m the same when it comes to mornings nowadays. I wasn’t like that when I was younger – not until I got older and tired
I’m very sad for you. Hope will a better time. I can’t imagine the society obliges a person to work to show she’s ill! Doctors are not stupid!!!!! Sometimes Ithink: “Are we really in the XXIe century!
Hope your mother will better too.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Claudie. Yes, I could hardly believe it myself and still can’t, but it has become very harsh in this society nowadays unfortunately.
Funny, you should mention that! I went to the sjukgymnast and I was the youngest person in there with all of the antiquated equipment! There was a line for the bike and by the time I had my good leg run over by a rullstol, I had quit and went home…So much for rehabilitation!
Lifecruiser: I know how it can be! And some of the physical therapists (sjukgymnast) aren’t any good at all. Like the one I had. I had to explain things to her, I knew more than she did! *shaking my head*
I read your story at your mom’s blog. So sorry that the care givers have been a bit careless and didn’t see this coming on.
Hope your back holds up.
Lifecruiser: Thanks for your kind concern Norma
I hope you are both feeling better soon.
Thinking of you xo
Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL for your concern, we’re trying to