Miss Ass. Lifecruiser have as you know now, very bad luck with things. Lately we have begin to wonder if bad luck maybe can be contagious. Not really worried, more curiouos!
We have noticed a small portion of unluck coming in our way too here, that was not the case before. And it seems to increase in connection with visits from her. Hmmmm…
The latest, more big things, that happened was in June, when it was decided that she should go to the US. She would come to our place first and we would give her a lift to the airport the day after that. (Before she was able to come it happened a lot of other things too of course!!!)
Anyway, I got a terrible pain in my stomach that evening, really serious, I was very close to go to hospital, but it went away after maybe an hour and I then forgot about it.
Some how I was not really fit for fight during her visit here though, but I could not point out what the problem was at first. Then I got back the pain in the stomach but I kept it for my self, because I did not want to worry her. She has had enough with problems already….
So we went to the airport to say good bye and then straight ahead home where I told Mr Lifecruiser that it was something seriously wrong. I should try to rest a bit since we had not get much sleep in the night and then probably we had to go to the hospital.
Yes, it was then they had to surf around the INSIDE OF ME to remove my appendix. No big deal really, but the worrying issue was that this was exactly one week before we were supposed to go to Scotland! (< = Read more there about our trip to Scotland)
Miss Ass. Lifecruiser was worried about that, felt guilty that she somehow was bringing this bad luck on me… But I like to see things positive: I have had problems for a long time with it and I think it was very good to have it removed, because I do not want appendicitis when we are in Paraguay or Brazil!!!
Of course, that was nothing when you compare it to last year when Miss Ass. Lifecruiser got appendicitis her self and died and came to live again because there was huge complications…. She could not, like normal people just have her appendicitis. Oh no, not so simple things can happen to her.
Is there any vaccine for bad luck??? In that case we want to order it for her!!! Urgent!!!
Beginning to wonder: is it we or she that should be worried about visiting her soon….?
PS. Did we tell you what happened yesterday to her? She succeeded to damage her tooth when she was licking off the cream from the whisk… So now there is a piece missing of it…. and she has no money to go to the dentist! Looking really handsome now we bet! *LOL*
Oh dear, poor Miss Ass. Lifecruiser. I have a vision now of the whisker being switched on when that happened, was it ?? tell me it wasn’t! lol
We’ve had our fair share of bad luck too, in fact my family even made it to the local paper as being the family with the most bad luck in that year.. It really was awful. We had numerous (10 I believe) deaths in the family, and loads of other stuff went on. It was weird, and I swear to this day our house that was 200 years old was haunted.
Anyway thats all stopped now, and in the past few years nothing has really gone wrong. So yeah I think you’re right.. bad luck is contagious! or even check your family history.
Luckily enough, no, it was not switched on.. Oh, dear what a sight that would have been…
You have had your share of the unlucky things then, sorry to hear that. Hope your luck will continue!!!!
My dear friends… I do have some unluck.. but don’t we all. On the otherhand like you know.. I’ve had a real hard life… I think that’s the main reason why I do enjoy the small things in life. I don’t waste time on people that don’t deserve it.. or hate.. I do get mad from time to time.. *puff*.. Then I’m not fun to be around *smiling*…
Thank you my dear fiends for holding an eye on me… and helping me out from time to time to time… forever.. i hope
Well.. I do give something back.. a good laugh,.,, stomachpain..headache.. sleepingdisorders.. good storys for this site…
Don’t worry to much about your visit here… if something happens it happens.. we will just have to deal with it then.. as always… *lol*