I had a wonderful birthday evening when we were in Prague. After a lot of sightseeing during the day, it was great to take seat at one of the restaurants down at the Old Town Square – and with such joyful orchestra: Rusty circle, playing for us!
I love it when the musicians are having FUN when they’re performing (and not only doing it as it were any boring job task) and this orchestra really lived up to that. They played the perfect joyful music for an evening out, putting us in a very good mood.
Actually they reminded us very much about another Swedish band we use to meet at our summer paradise island: remember Jösses Pojkar we’ve written about before?
When Rusty circle did take their “academic beer pause”, hubby said he would go to the gents room, but he actually went to talk to them, to make them play something for ME!
Surprise! They came back playing and singing Happy Birthday for me and making everyone at the restaurant singing along!
Not only that, they had (without even hubby knowing) written happy birthday plus my name & signed one of their CD’s, which they gave to me too. Such nice guys I tell you.
My beloved hubby also had ordered some romantic songs to be played for me, which they did…. Several of them. Ah… it was such a ♥ romantic evening…
This was at a special Medieval restaurant: U Zlate Konvice – not exactly the cheapest in Prague, but with a special touch.
Lifecruiser ♥ Rusty circle
PS. If you’re interested in Prague, there will be more posts about our time there later on this blog, but also in between there will be posts about other trips we’ve made.
aww, what a fun, romantic and wonderful event!
Sounds like you had fun and romantic time. Yes, it is always better when the musicians are having fun too! It is kind makes me feel bad if they are all looking depressed.
What a nice and so typically looking restaurant ! must have been a wonderful evening !
Mr Lifecruiser never stops to surprise. And he gives his beloved wife surprises that is right just for the moment and occasion.
We have noticed where you were on this occasion.
Looks so real, authencic and really joyful.
Cross our fingers for the both of you and are looking forward to new posts from Prague.
btw. I’m back again with photos on my blog. Hurray
PS. Cruised Countries – is it for WP only or?
No, @TorAa, it’s not exactly a WP thing, I’ve just put it in there manually, so it’s not a WP plugin or something like that. You could do it in your Blogger blog too, if you edit your Blogger template code. I’d give you more directions on how to do it, if I weren’t so swamped with “things” around me for the moment. Let me know if you need me to give you more details at a later occasion and I’ll be glad to help you out, OK?
Belated Happy Birthday to you Lifecruiser! Sorry I am late since I’ve been swamped with work load!
Anyway, awww what a romantic night you guys have. I am envious! LOL! I think it’s about time me and my husbandry do something like that.
Wow, what a lovely surprise for your birthday and belated birthday wishes…I hope I’m not too late with them. I’m so glad you had such a wonderful evening.
happy birthday! you really had a good one. maybe you could visit the philippines .
Live music is always the best and especially when you get it in the local atmosphere!
Glad you had such a great time celebrating and what a nice surprise from these musicians
Happy belated birthday! Prague sounds like a great city to spend this special day in. And that was very sweet of your hubby to order romantic songs for you.
I love the site. You have a lot of good posts here. I have a site as well that provides inspiration and guidance to people around the world. I was wondering if we could do a link exchange, so we can tell our visitors about both of our sites. Let me know.
It was a marvelous birthday
Mr lifecruiser is a such gentleman!!! I was busy all those days but I really expect all get a little better now about the situation!!
Remember Gustav Klimt from PragueZones if you come back in Czech Republic. It would be a real pleasure to be your guide, Lifecruiser.