
If I’m bored I can read the statistics for this blog, especielly the keywords used from the searchengines that make people come over here.

My absolute favourite one so far is:
- how to get rid of crazy wife (sometimes I suspect that maybe Mr Lifecruiser has done that search…????)

Another one that is very suitable this cold time of year is:
- cold enough to decorate boobs (That one actually makes me wonder if I have missed something, decorate boobs…?)

And what about this really interesting one:
- humping avatars (I’d like to see one for my self!)

This one make me feel somehow de-pressed:
- pressed boobs

A touching one:
- people try to touch my boobs a lot (Is she sure? Maybe they are so big that they just get in the way for people?)

And the batman enthusiast:
- la voiture de batman bikinis (Should this one not say batwomen bikini? Have I missed something here too?)

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7 Comments on “Keyword search in searchengines”

    Katie UNITED STATES said:

    Those are interesting! I always get “bob barkers salary” for some reason.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Some one must be really curious of his salary! Maybe a co-worker ;-)


    Humping avators…..classic!

    That’s cool, what software do you use to check the keywords typed in?

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Our webhost offers awstats, but I guess you can see it in a lot of other statistics software too.


    I guess I better be more careful what I do searches for, tee,hee..

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    To Happy and Blue:

    WHY STOP? We’re having fun here for gods sake, let us have some fun in our boring lifes ;-)

    pm UNITED STATES said:

    I love looking at my keywords. I get some pretty bad ones tho.. one reason is becuase the name Pure in my name and the other becase I talk about search terms which bring those freaky people back LOL!!!

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