Meet my Mom as she looked like at her 80th birthday. She has had a very difficult life and still holding her humor high. All the pain she has gone through…. Phew.
She is amazingly easy to get to giggle so her tears roll down her cheeks. Despite the fact that I have a lot of humor myself, she beats me. She is a remarkable woman which I admire tremendously.
Right now she struggles real hard with her health. She is so fragile, so even some minor health issue is nearly throwing her over the edge to the other side. Every time so far, she has been able to fight it, but it’s only a matter of time as it is now. Her life is hanging on a fragile thread all the time.
Can you even imagine how it would be like to be 80 years old and in her condition?
Her skeleton is literally falling apart from the inside. She haven’t been able to do anything by herself for a very long time now. All her joints is severe damaged by rheumatism, crooked. Even her back, it’s S-shaped. She has hardly been able to sit in her wheelchair. One of her shoulder is almost gone – the arm is just hanging there.
She is dead tired. I think her body can feel that. Maybe it’s influencing her health. She has wanted to go sometimes when it has been extra tough. I don’t blame her – even though one part of me naturally want her to stay. That’s just selfish of me.
Maybe it’s time for her to finally be pain free.
I’m not saying this to scare you, I’m saying it to make you understand that life is a gift that we should appreciate and enjoy much more than we do.
If you haven’t lived after that rule before, consider it now:
Carpe Diem – while you still can…
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. She is beautiful and looks very young for 80. I love the motto Carpe Diem, thanks for the reminder.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Smurf
Yes, she does look good in this picture. Amazingly fresh. Some moments she lives up and looks like this and we happened to capture such moment thankfully.
She looks good for 60..wait you said 80..she’s hot..
Hope she stays healthy for a long time..
Lifecruiser: *smiling* Yeah, she really is hot. Literally. She’s always so warm
I’m sorry to hear about your mom. Happy 80th birthday to her. I’m pretty sure she is a wonderful and a great woman by the way you speak about her.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mom.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Friday’s Child. She really is. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Life is a gift
Death is blissful
But it’s the transition
That scares most people
May your mum be happy always!
Lifecruiser: Yes, that’s so true. I hope so too
That is really sad especially for a such an active woman. She must be quite unhappy with her situation. It’s sometimes a pitty that we are not allowed to let them go in peace. My grandma was 95 and just felt asleep in front of her TV . She had never been sick. Everybody should go away that way !
Lifecruiser: Yes yes yes. 95 hah? We don’t have any record in my family to be that old. I’m not sure that I want that either since I’ll not be as healthy as yours!
Great post about your Mum! It is so true we can’t take our life and health for granted.
My father is 81 and is in remarkable shape and coping very well with the loss of my Mum, 1+ years ago. Your post has given me idea that I should blog about him some day. Thanks!
He hates that I blog. He thinks it’s a big waste of time. He doesn’t read my blog but he does have a computer but only goes on it about once a week to check emails. He does not have high speed.
Have a great day and great weekend!!
Lifecruiser: Yes, that’s a good idea, blog about him some day, but don’t forget to invite me to come and read then
Hi Lifecruiser.Your Mom is such a pretty woman and from her posts she is also one marvelous, brave, kind and loving person. It hurts to know she is going thru more health problems piled upon all she was already going thru. Must admit that I have grown to love her over the past year. I hope having a blog has helped bring some more happiness to her for the past year. Funny how we can get attached to someone we only know thru their blog.
I have finally caught up with reading most of your past blogs. Didn`t comment on them because I injured my right arm in a fall and am now a left hand, one finger writer. But wanted you to know that I am still reading and enjoying.
I hope your Husband has been able to still play the piano for your Mom as she seemed to love it so much. Hope you have also enjoyed singing in her room for her to enjoy. God Bless her and all your family.
Lifecruiser: Yes, she really is. Thanks Dot for all your wonderful encouragement and kind words that we really have appreciated. You’ve been a fantastic supporter and friend, truly remarkable you too
I do hope that your arm is getting better FAST!!!! What a bad luck with a fall!
Yes, he has played the piano up to now, not every time and not the whole visit, but enough. We’ll see how it will turn out now, if she can become better or not soon. *sigh*
I’ve nothing to add but: beautiful post and well said. I’d make my motto Live Forever! There’s nothing wrong with a bit of optimism, right?
Lifecruiser: Thanks Nils. No, not as long as you really live every day
Hello! It’s long time I didn’t come on your space and when I come back I can read so nice thinks about life!Nice words wich are coming from earth!
Lifecruiser: Hello Claudie! Nice surprise that you’re popping by
I hope you’re having a good time and that we’re getting to see you some more now!
you love your mom and that is plain to seed. your words are of a caring woman.
i understand a bit of what you write about. even a minor cold to some can be life threatening. our immune systems are weak, our bodies are tired, our spirit is a bit worn out from all the struggles. i’m 37 my soul and my heart feels older in a good way but my mind and body as 3 times my age.
i spend a couple of mins looking at your mom’s picture. i like her eyes. they are gentle. she looks like someone i could just loose myself in a long conversation. i love speaking to the elders. we can learn so much from them and their stories are so interesting. i hope that her body lasts as healthy as it can. i hope that she doesn’t suffer and that you her daughter can enjoy her for aslong as God wishes it. God bless you both. Sweet little angels from the other side of the world.
Lifecruiser: Thanks for your kind words Chana. Yes, I realize that you of all know what I’m talking about. I love to have a chat with elders too, to hear about the history directly from the source instead of from books! It’s some awesome stuff they can tell us about. They have so much experiences and from all the inventions they have outlived through the years to! Exciting yes.
Life is a gift, that’s for sure.
Lifecruiser:Yes, it is and it’s our duty to take care of it properly
Letting go is the hardest thing to do when it comes to ones we love. But if you really love you don’t want them in horrible pain just to be there for you! You have such a wonderful attitude which is one of the reasons I love to visit here so much!
You and your mom are in my prayers! {{{{Hugs!}}}}
Lifecruiser: Oh, that’s so wonderful of you Debbie, you’re such an angel!!!!! Really!!!
my grandma is almost 80 and fit, but she keeps on saying she wants to go by the time she is 80. and i see her health going down as if she knows her time is coming.
your mom sounds like a realy strong woman!
Lifecruiser: As my mother said that she didn’t think that she would live to be 80. It’s almost like she was right, since I don’t believe she will live one more year to be 81. She was close! She really is a dynamite lady.
i’ll see how my grandma is, she still has one year to go.
it’s soo freaky to see them get old and so fragile.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it can be really sad. Luckily there are some that still have a rich life even if older, that makes you still hope for a good old age.