On a photo tour at the island Gotland last summer, we found another great marine finding: a lifebuoy with the name Anna on it.
I couldn’t find any information about the ship named Anna, but it did make me think about our good Norwegian friend Anna and her blogger husband Tor, which we have met many times by now and have had such a great time together with.
Travel is so rewarding, not only do you get to see many interesting things, but you also get many really great friends for life.
Lifecruiser ♥ Travel Friends
What else to say but:
Anna is honoured.
We will meet again, that’s for sure.
btw. Thanks for really great comments.
And I must say the past 48 hrs has been from top to bottom and up again. Rubens Mother came down to our Winterhome, and she and Anna played Card until 5 in the morning, while I stayed overnight in downtown with Rubens “brother in blood” and his wife and cat….
After all, it was a great time… My son Niklas went home in due time…..
Piano is a such great thing in my life!!! I progress step by step!!! I say always with a new exercise:”I won’t arrive!” and slowly day after day I progress slowly!
Did you ask Anna if it belongs to her ?
Beautiful photo!
I totally agree with your last words. Without the people you meet and the friends you make abroad, travel wouldn’t be nearly as fun!
As you know by now, LC, I will be meeting this Anna in real life less than 2 months from now. I can hardly wait!!!
What a wonderful surprise to see you over at my place. I am very happy.
I love Tor and Anna too. We are going to meet this summer and I’m thrilled about that.
I wish you happiness and great health. Hugs.
Nice blog! Too bad we didn’t get to meet when we visited Sweden a couple of years ago!
I look forward to getting to know you. Drop back in and visit with me again…
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