Lifecruisers news flash

I’ve been thinking a lot of the cruising lately and one of the things that may come later on, is that I might give up this blog as a personal blog and switch it to a pure Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise blog. We’ll see if and when!

The News in this post:

♥ Cyber Cruise Calendar
♥ New Lifecruiser Archive
♥ Get your Lifecruiser button
♥ New Lifecruiser blogroll
♥ New A-Team Cruiser
♥ New A-Swab Team member

Cyber Cruise Calendar

No updates have been done to the Cyber Cruise Calendar about this seasons cyber cruises.

Why? Because I’ve been slacking too busy and been thinking of the best (read most simple) way to keep it up to date :-)

Result: the new archive below.

New Cyber Cruise posts will only be announced in the BOTTOM of every post for now being – so keep your cruise radar on!

Please remove any links you may have to the calendar at your blog.

New Lifecruiser Archive

Wanna know what’s has been going on at the Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise earlier? Or just wanna be nostalgic?

Go to our new Lifecruiser Archive 2007 and sail away in your cyber travel dreams….

A-Team Cruisers: Please check to see if I’ve missed some and kick my butt if I did leave out any of your posts!

Get your Lifecruiser button

Haven’t got your Lifecruiser button yet? Get the butt out of the wagon as we say here in Sweden, be proud of being a Lifecruiser: display it on your blog!

Get your Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise buttons.

New Lifecruiser blogroll

There is a new updated blogroll for the Lifecruiser cyber cruise now with all (fairly) active cruisers (A-Team Cruiser or A-Swab Team).

No one is going to twist your arm to make you to put up the blogroll at your blog, butt it’s a smart way to bribe this Captain ;-)

Seriously, it’s a good thing of you to support all your cyber cruise friends, butt it’s also easier to make mingle rounds to all the cruisers during the cruises.

Plus you get updates with new cruiser links automatically!

We wanna make as many bloggers as possible to come here and have FUN with us :-)

The more that joyn us, the more can become A-Team Cruisers and write all those wonderfully fun and exciting cyber cruise posts!

Think about that: Lifecruisers sailing around the whole world!!! What a heavy partying we could have!!! *giggles*

Get the Lifecruiser blogroll code.

NOTE: Every one is welcome to joyn us – all that it takes is a link to us and a visit & comments now and then, how easy can it be???

It’s only A-Team Cruisers that writes Cyber Cruise posts, all you have to do is to enjoy their posts :-)

New A-Team Cruiser

EvNucci: My life is murphy’s law

You’ve seen her around here for a while now – or should I see her freakin’ hilarious comments – even though she hasn’t been participating in the cruises that much yet, butt you should now that she is busy WRITING A BOOK!!!! Isn’t that freakin’ admirable cool?

Cut from her blog:

“I have 3 sons, 2 very bright and one born with congenital heart and lung disease. We fought doctors to keep my son alive because they wanted to pull him from life support & took him all over the world to keep him alive. We fought the educational system because they were convinced he was retarded. I had a choice. BE A WIMP OR BECOME ONE TOUGH COOKIE”.

Ev is the kind of tough cookie that has 178 irons in the fire at the same time, so I’m proud that she’ll take her time to cruise with us!

She is totally wacky without doubt – just like me – and I love the way she find humor in everything, so she’ll fit right in… *giggles*

She is heading for Maui the 24th of August, so naturally her first cyber cruise post will be of Maui! I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii – how about you?

New A-Swab Team member

Meet our newest A-Team Swab member KayKayZowie.

She lives in Arkansas, US and love to take photos so I’m sure she has much to offer us in the cruise.

Cut from her blog:

“I am 41-years old with three grown children, four grandsons and one granddaughter. In 2003, I graduated from Pulaski Technical College with an Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Technology degree. In 2005, I began attending UALR for my Bachelor degree. I have been taking pictures (photography) since I was 9-years old”.

We’re very pleased to get to know you KayKayZowie! I’m sure you’re gonna fit right in too and have a fun time with us :-)

Head over and let them feel welcome in this cheerful cruiser group folks!

Monday Cruise Port

Edinburgh Festival, Scotland with Caledonia, as soon as she is ready to go.

I’m sooo curious of what she will show us!

UPDATE: While you’re already in Edinburgh why not hop over to A. and read her post about Edinburgh too?

Captain ♥ Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Events:
The Rolling Stones Concert

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

Dröbak, Norway (Any day now)
South east coast of England (Sunday 19 Aug)
Maui, Hawaii, US(After the 24th Aug)
Castle Howard in Yorkshire, England
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Lifecruiser Archive 2007
Lifecruiser Blogroll Code
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in Technorati
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© Copyright All rights reserved.

19 Comments on “Lifecruiser Crews News”

    mar said:

    You are a busy captain!! My chores today:
    1. say hello to the captain:
    HOLA captain!!
    2. upload Lifecruiser button (done!)
    3. upload Lifecruiser blogroll (done!)
    4. Edinburgh Festival, Scotland at Caledonia’s:
    I am ready when she is!!
    have a relaxing day, captain, you deserve it!

    Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, that deserves many bottles of Rum to your cabin Mar! I’ll let the most handsome steward bring them…. *giggles*

    Mark said:

    Just reporting in Captain, Button and blogroll added, just charging up my batteries for Edinburgh festival, i wonder what i will see this time…..I’ve got my bongos in my sporren so should i need to give an impromptue performance, they are handy.

    Ev Nucci said:

    Well, I am honored Captain!! Ay ay sir! I’m so excited that I get to participate in this exciting cruise and I’m actually a member of the A team!!! Holyfreakingjeesupeets! I will do my utmost to live up to your expectations Captain!

    I’ll pick up button and wear it proudly!!!!

    Now, given how crazy my life is I will wrap that camera around my freakin neck so I don’t lose it, mash it, or swallow it. Oh never mind…I can’t swallow it.

    But I might not be able to see it. I’m an old fart you know!

    Gattina said:

    Can’t you go on holidays again ? Then we would have less work ! You think and think until your head is smoking to invent further work for us, lol ! But I feel neglected where is my “A PART OF THE SOUTH EAST COAST OF ENGLAND” (now I have to note the title, otherwise I could change it, see I need a secretary for the cruise ! Of course I will add the Blogroll that was a very good idea !!
    I am freezing again in this Global freezing country !

    Lifecruiser said:

    Well, we can’t have that happen, can we? I’ll put it up at once!

    We’re looking forward to the cyber cruise report from England.

    I wanted to announce it with the date so you get many comments :-)

    Caledonia said:

    Okay, I refurbished my entire blog just so I could add the deckroll!

    Lifecruiser said:

    *shuckle* Well, now you got other cruisers to lean on – and maybe one or two handsome stewards would be nice to comfort you…? *giggles*

    A. said:

    Well I’ve managed to get the blogroll up. You have to click on a link in the sidebar but it works. So not quite as much as having to refurbish my whole blog :)

    claudie said:

    Hello my Captain!
    I can’t join my dashboard now cause I’m in Edinburgh taking a great, great time! I’m fall in love with a band called Claladonia! I don’t think to join my cabin this night, cause there are so many things to do in Edinburgh… I visit, I visit! I come back tomorrow to add the blogroll!
    Paris! C’est fini!
    J’ai découvert Edinburgh ce soir!
    la, la, la, la, la,
    na, na, na,….

    Lifecruiser said:

    Ah, and does it look goooood!!!!!

    RennyBA said:

    Your such a great captain and keeps everything in well order!
    Like Claudie, I’ll have to come back later for the details (I have the nice A-Team button right I think?) as I have such a great time partying in Edinburgh!!!

    Sword Girl said:

    I’m trying to figure out where I can place stuff with my new template design. It doesn’t have a sidebar file, so I’m trying to rig stuff.

    I like the new blogroll. This is very useful!

    I’ll be leaving my cabin a little later to tour the festival. Hopefully very soon!

    Lifecruiser said:

    Just make sure that it is the bongos you’re drumming and not something else… *giggles*

    Lifecruiser said:

    Excellent A. I’ve been over to your blog and find your Edinburgh post too, so I’m linking it up!

    Lifecruiser said:

    Partying ALWAYS come in first hand as a cruiser!!! *giggles*

    Lifecruiser said:

    Thanks Renny, you’re such an excellente cruiser too!!! That kilt were awfully nice on you ;-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    Aha, yes sometimes it takes time to getting to know new templates. that’s why I haven’t changed template in a loooong time now. I just change background and headers instead…

    Butt I have pans to change template… as I’ve had for the last year or so…. *giggles*

    Have fun in Edinburgh, I’m going to bed now since it’s wayyyyy over midnight here!!!

    …I say that almost every night, butt this night I shall go to bed… *giggles*

    Deborah said:

    Ahoy Maties!

    Ev Nucci is areal hoot, she’ll be certain to keep everyone entertained.

    Renny I already know, and look forward to getting to know everyone else here.

    Got the blogroll code which will have its own page, linked to from my sidebar blogroll. Just need some time to write something along with it to do it justice :-)

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