I remember when I worked hard. With IT. It’s so hard to believe, but I spent 20 years of my life on IT! 20 years!
Climbing the career stairs from bottom to the top of my capacity.
1) IT helpdesk operator.
2) Working in IT project to develop new systems.
3) Helpdesk Manager for the new systems.
4) Helpdesk Manager/Technician for IT Network.
5) Remedy Application Developer.
6) Server Management.
7) IT Project Manager.
IT Consultant.
I was beginning to feel burned out. Then my back stopped me about 5 years ago, just like that, in a middle of a project and I’ve not been working since then.
I remember working too hard. There were no limits in my efforts. Working all the time. A lot of overtime. Coming early in the mornings, leaving office late in the evenings. Or working from home in the end when they did begin to allow work from a distance.
The competition were tough. You were forced to keep yourself up to date with all the news in your expert field and a lot more around that. The rules were tough. Your co-workers very tough. A lot of intrigues and unfairness. It’s no picnic for sure.
Yes, the salary was very good, but you had to work like a dog for it. In my opinion, it’s not worth it. It’s no life. The back problems gave me time to stop and think about my life, which I did. Before that everything were just rolling faster and faster.
Now I have a life and I will never go back to that kind of life no matter what. If I begin to work again it’s not gonna be at the same work. I’ve learned my lesson what’s important here in life.
Love, humans, family and friends, that’s what’s really counts.
That is the Life I want to Cruise.
Goodbye for ever professional IT Life!
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what a nice way to explain your name..i can understand what you said perfectly. what is the point of earning so much money when you are too tired to spend it and so busy to. when you work for so long you forget what it is you were supposibly working towards. i’m glad you are living life now. keep on cruising my friend. keep on smiling
Lifecruiser: It’s too easy to just fall into the habits of neglecting life. You have to really put down your feet on the ground and say No. More people should do that, maybe we would have a better world then
I have NO IDEA how old you are but I hope that you found this out at an age where you can still ENJOY life and have a good time. Some people WAIT until retirement and then it is just about too OLD to finally discover what you now know. I only worked in a BIG organization for a few years and knew that LIFE was NOT for me ever. I just love my family and my life as a wife, mother and now a grandmother.
Lifecruiser: Yes, I certainly did, I’m middle aged - or medevial age as I call it
so it wasn’t too late thankfully. I’m so happy that I had that changed. Thank you back problem
No one ever said they wished they’d worked more…
Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes!!
Lifecruiser: You’re welcome! Actually, I’ve heard it! It’s insane though. And some people don’t want to work less than they do. They’re crazy I say
I have never been one to follow a career path and keep to it. I can’t handle the demands and neither does my personality. If I ain’t happy no one else is!:razz:
But I do like to work and being in a social environment which is why I am planning to tackle a new job (part time) next year! I need more on the outside!
Great story Mrs. L. Mine is up. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!
Lifecruiser: I’ve had enough of the outside I think, I can cope without it, no problem, but we’ll see if I have to go back to work some day. That day that sorrow as we say here in Sweden
I’ll pop by and see how you’re doing!
Great lesson for all of us to learn!
Lifecruiser: Yes, maybe that’s true
Interesting. I was a librarian, but IT had become the huge elephant in the room. I retired early because I was tired of relearning my job every day.
I don’t cruise (that much), but I love being retired.
My MM is up.
Lifecruiser: Sometimes certain things go way ahead over board. We makes things more complicated than they have to be. I think I’d like to be retired too, but maybe it’s a bit too early for that, we’ll see
Thanks for this post ~ I have to say that I actually cried a little this morning because things are getting pretty tight money wise around my house. When hubby and I were both working things were a lot smoother…now that I’m off and at home with Baby Boy and Baby Girl on the way, things are really starting to pile up.
We aren’t the kind of people who will neglect our bills to splurge on something else ~ which is a good thing, but it just seems like we never go anywhere or do anything and that the ‘fridge is always empty…or close to empty.
Your post reminds me that I should be enjoying this time with Baby Boy because soon I will have 2 and it won’t just be me and him…not that I’m not looking forward to 2.
I guess I just needed to hear that their are more important things than money and a career…I miss teaching a lot. But I love my family and I’m once again grateful that I’m able to spend this time with them ~ even if it means a few sacrafices. Thanks again for the reminder!
Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure can be tough with the money too, I’ve been there too and will probably again. But this is something I’ll be having in my mind then,so it might not get as tough as it would have been otherwise. All you need is Love and you can manage a lot
I stopped by to say hi, and check out your blog. As with most carers. Your reward depends on the amount of effort you put into it. Sometimes the price is to high.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure was in this case. Not only that, there were to high DEMANDS and pressure on me too. That’s not good. Now it’s like I’ve been born again
You sound like me. Only,both my husband and I worked for a sub-contractor for the military for a few years. And we worked before the sun came out till way after the sunset, 7 days a week. It was good money but not worth the work we had to do. The only thing I liked about it was we got paid weekly, and we could take the kids to work with us on the weekends and when there was no school. Now That I don’t work, I do things at my leasure.
Thanks for stopping by.
Lifecruiser: I’m glad for you
I could never survive in a job I didn’t enjoy. The vicisitudes of life are difficult enough with out work adding more stress. I’ve always felt the as Kalihl Gibran said, work is love made visable. I guess I’m not (monitarly) rich because I’ve always valued quality of life more than quantity
Lifecruiser: Aahh, that sounds just good Dave, keep that thoughts! And Wanda… *lol*
Glad you got your priorities straight. Even if you can’t straighten up your body because of your back problems..
Lifecruiser: You’re always so straight forward HB2 and I just love you for that
I agree with you there. I too was once a working mom and wife. I’ve climbed the ladder of success too but have realized that pay is good, health is deteriorating because of stress from work. Coming home late and leaving home early which sometimes makes you miss your family. It was difficult at first but as time goes on, I’ve realized that being a SAHM gives you freedom and freedom is beautiful and wonderful to feel. It is freedom from being told to do something when you don’t want to do it. Freedom from waking up early to be on time for work and coming home late because your boss wants you to add up an extra hours for you. Freedom that I have now can’t be exchanged with anything in this world.
Thanks for stopping by.
Lifecruiser: Yes, you said it alright. Freedom and Peace that is like balm for the soul. I’m glad you have it too
I’m still living that life. I envy you. I’ve made steps for myself to leave it soon and have no intention of returning either. The money IS good but there is so much more. Good for you. Best of luck on the Cruise.
Lifecruiser: I do hope you succeed with your plans, I do wish every one this real life
Good luck x milions to you too!
I’m sure it’s Monday some where in the world. I was a nurse for 30 years, haven’t actively been practing my trade for the last 3 years. Can’t say that I miss it…Life has so many other avenues to travel. Glad you stopped to smell the roses and chose a different path.
Lifecruiser: Yes, I’m so glad too, that I’m odler and wiser now
Not that old!
I came by yesterday but didn’t have time to comment (had to go to work! LOL)
I look forward to the day when I can do this. I am the primary breadwinner in the family so end in sight at the moment.
Lifecruiser: Ah, i really wish yu could! sorry. Maybe you will some day, I’ll be swinging my magic stick to make it happen
that takes guts dropping everything. i take my hat off to you. I am going through the same “crisis” thing now. just curious - if you were to go back to work … what would you be?
Lifecruiser: Yes, it takes time to dare to drop it. It’s a maturing process of some kind
And to answer your question about going back to work… which is a hard nut to crack for me, I’m still working on that part. I know that I want to work with something that means that I can be able to leave work at work and not take it home with me.
At first I thought of something more human with people, but that can never be anything with health care in my case, because I would take that work with me home, I’d care too much.
Maybe something very simple but that let me use my brain anyway…. Sounds tricky hah? *lol*
But I’m the kind of person that can develop a simple work out to perfection. I always come up with new ideas, suggest new things and so on, so I can manage most jobs actually.
Well, I have time left to think