
I am very pleased that we have succeeded to keep the cyber cruise events going for such a long time now. Sure, sometimes we have some days or a week free from cruise events, but we still have the schedule full – thanks to all of you!

I am sure you have already noticed that I have moved the Coming Cruise Events list from being fully displayed in the bottom of my posts to an own page recently. I still leave a link to it in the end of the posts though.

Make sure to check it regularly, because it can be sudden changes or new interesting cruise stops!

New A-Swab Team Member

Jeni at Down River Drivel, from central Pennsylvania.

“Graduate of Penn State so I am a Nittany Lioness I guess. Divorced, raised 3 kids to 3 pretty doggone great adults and now I have Alex, Maya and Kurtis to watch them grow and marvel at how such gorgeous little creatures have a link back to this old soul.”

As an introduction I recommend you to read her post: The View From My Window.

Hop over and make her feel warmth welcome aboard the Lifecruiser Ship :-)

The Southern Cross Award

I have such sweet cruisers giving me awards – warming up Captains old heart – all the time! This time it is laketrees that is giving me the Southern Cross Award, so I’m continuing in her spirit and passing it on to all my cruisers on the deckroll for being such fun blogbuddies :-)

Your Oddly Ghost Post

Do not miss that you are supposed to write your oddly ghost post tomorrow, Tuesday – participate you too! You choose yourself what to write about, no rules!

Or dig up some old body parts… Errrhm… I mean posts, if you have something oddly ghostly since before.

Everybody is welcome, just leave a link to your oddly ghost post in the comments to my Oddly Ghost post that will be here tomorrow, Tuesday.

Or leave us links in the comments to other posts you have dug up in some one else graveyard.

Let the ghosts loose…. *mwuuuaahhaaa*

Captain ♥ Lifecruiser

Monday Cruise Events:
On drinking stars…
Last day of Maui trip – Hana Falls & Bamboo

Coming Cruise Events OR Lifecruiser Archive 2007

Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise Halloween Oddly Ghost Cat

All bloggers are welcome to Lifecruisers Halloween 23-31 October, with a spooktacular Halloween Party the 31th!

Put a button in your sidebar – grab one here!

Lifecruiser Tips:
Get some of Gattinas FREE headers for Halloween

7 Comments on “More cruises to the cruisers”

    .: mar said:

    Congrats on that Southern Cross Award!!! My very favorite star constellation!!
    The starry post (he he ) is up, happy Monday! off to visit the new member :)

    Jeni Hill Ertmer said:

    Thanks for the plug for my piece on “View from my Window.” I hope to add more “views” sometime in the future – if I ever get the current roll of film developed, that is.

    Gattina said:

    As Mr. Frost was murdered by his wife and she has not yet found another Mr. Frost to marry and kill him too, I will have my “compiled News” as usual but in Halloween style of course ! I have to admit that I really don’t know something which has scared me ! Am I normal ??? Isn’t there also a post to write on wednesday ??

    Lifecruiser said:

    I was more thinking of the fact that maybe Mr Frost was coming back as a ghost and haunt Mrs Frost…. *giggles*

    Post on Wednesday?

    The Halloween schedule:

    Share your scare! (Thur 25 Oct)
    How do You Celebrate Halloween (Tue 30 Oct)
    Halloween Party (Wed 31 Oct)

    Sword Girl said:

    Hello Captain! I’ll start to scan my brain cells for the memories. hehe

    laketrees said:

    thanks for writing about my star award Captain………. :)
    I’ll see what I can come up with for Halloween :0

    claudie said:

    Ho!Ho! I’m very afraid now! Will I go to bed? I’m soon on vacation and it ‘s my daughter Mélissa birthday today! She’s 16!
    She wants to fest halloween with about 20 teen agers at home for halloween. No need spiders or monsters! Teen agers will hant my home and sure! It will a surnatural night!

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