

Mr Lifecruisers birthday cake


…and to the Norway blogger friends that celebrate their consitution day today: have a wonderful syttende mai!

Captain Wife Lifecruiser

UPDATE: Read RennyBA’s post about:
17 May Norways national day

Lifecruiser lifering

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12 Comments on “Mr Lifecruiser x 55”

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Happy birthday! Miam! This beautiful cake seems to be so delicious!

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    Happy Birthday Mr. L. l!!!!


    Happy Birthday Mr. Lifecruiser! The cake looks so awesome!

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    OOOH! Cake and a birthday! Jag mor han leva!!!

    mar SPAIN said:

    Happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!!
    Where’s the Dom??
    have a wonderful birthday!

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Ohhhhhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. LC!!! *pOps the cork* …. Here’s to YOU! I knOw you and LC will think of SOME way to celebrate this momentous occasion!

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Happy, Happy, Happy birthday to you Captain!!!
    I hope you know how we celebrate your day in Norway – the parade and the flags waving is all for you Captain LoL

    Btw: I’m inviting all of you over to Oslo to see how we celebrate our captain:-)

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Thanks for plugging me and you know: all cruisers are welcome over to celebrate Norwegian National Day! TorAa will put up a matching post later on this weekend too:-)

    Tricia CANADA said:

    Happy birthday to Mr. Lifecruiser! I hope you’ve got a great day planned for him.

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Happy belated birthday mr L.
    You see I was occupied celebrating yesterday, but could not find you among the tens of thousends people looking for you. They tried their best, waiving their flags. Shouting Hurra.

    Have a great weekend.

    PS. Hope you’ll pick up a nice place to go.

    David UNITED STATES said:

    I am a day late but happy birthday!

    aka Ra'quel said:

    Oh good cake & happyy birthday to Mr.Lifecruiser too! Great inspiration – as i have one to prepare for my husband’s 50th tomorrow ;) Might take further inspiration from your other post too! ;)

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