Adoration 1945. Oil on canvas. Gil Elvgren.

We have a third engagement anniversery coming up on Saturday. There will be nudity involved for sure. As usual I might add… *s*

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband:

- “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?”

The husband replied:

- “All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry.”

Then, as the wife undressed, she asked:

- “What are you thinking now?”

He replied:

- “It looks as if I did a pretty good job.”

Though I do hope that Mr Lifecruisers comments won’t be quite the same ;-)

NOTE: Remember, our 3 year is as others 7,7 years, according to our earlier post about Making Love Figures….

11 Comments on “Naked Anniversery”

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    ROFLOL! :mrgreen:

    Lifecruiser: I’m glad to have amused you :-)

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Oh gosh -he-he, I hope I’ll never will have such a good memory. If I have, I just throw away my glasses and start dreaming:))

    Lifecruiser: Good thinking TorAa!!!! *s*

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    That’s men (blasé look) ! The oil painting is just awful ! It hurts my painter’s eyes. There is no life in it, looks like a photocopy !

    Lifecruiser: No wonder, you’re a woman AND it IS a photocopy ;-) Of a calendar I gave to Mr L. But how can you say so about this absolutely beautiful woman – we ought to be at her side…. Ask a man what he thinks…. *lol*

    mar SPAIN said:

    ROFL!!! and happy engagement anniv!! but dear, I think we already discussed this topic here: where is the eyecandy for the ladies????

    Lifecruiser: I’m working on that Mar, but what can I say, it’s Mr L’s month ;-) *lol*

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    I’m not sure what Mr Lifecruisers will say, but I’m sure what he’ll be thinking when looking at you naked: “Hmmmmm I’ve wayyy to go” ;-)
    I’m sure tomorrows post will prove I’m right!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks for your nice encouragement ;-) *lol*

    Tomorrow post is Photo Hunt: Soft. I’ve no idea what it could be…

    Waspgoddess UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Now I’m officially depressed that I’m so old… (she’s just too hot, everything’s too perfect, and I just got a Michael Bolton haircut).

    Have a fab anniversary… what are the plans?

    Lifecruiser: No depression now! We’re beautiful as old women too! Just different beautys!

    Thanks, we’re gonna have a wonderful anniversery with a romantic dinner and a lot of LOVE, of course :-)

    Claudie FRANCE said:

    I know a man who is 42 years old and his wife is 23!
    His’s baker and works fast always in the night and his young wife bekomes very angry against him cause he’s tired in the day and need to have quiet time. So with this hard job he looks like to be very older! So I think she has got a beautiful body but the dream of this man is going to bekome a nightmare!
    Behind the beauty hides a reality men often forget!
    And in france there is a proverb saying ” It’s in the older saucepans we can make the best cooking!”
    And another “it’s not to the old monkey, you can learn to do the grimace”!
    Have a succenlent cooking for this marvellous anniversery!!!

    Lifecruiser: Yes thanks! It’s nothing wrong with older women – just bigger beauty in another sense :-) And I do feel sorry for that man. Poor man, being bugged by his wife like that instead of supported.

    aka R'acquel said:

    Loved reading your making love figures. I thought it was worth sharing one of ours to you as your naughty picture granted the permission to do so =P.

    My husband & I have never really celebrated our aniverssaries but we did celebrate our estimated 1000th fuck together. Considering there’s 365 days in a year, it roughly fell just after the first 3 years. Forwarding my congratulations to you both on verging close towards a similar aniverssary together. :D

    I love & agree with the French proverb about the better cooking that’s resulted from our 11yr old pot. Wishing you a continued trend of finer a la carte dining in the years to come ;)

    Like, don’t forget to lick the spoon when it’s finished stirring the pot? hmm…. *lol*

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha…. I appreciated your sharing of that. You’re totally in our caliber :-) Though we’ll probably have passed the 3000th by now…. Life is good to us huh? I just love your new saying!!!! You’re a witty woman :-)

    Irish Church Lady CANADA said:

    LMAO! That was hilarious! Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. L.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL :-)

    aka R'acquel said:

    3000th! *wow* I’m truly impressed and take my hat off to you. Woot!

    Things took a serious nose dive for me during pregnancy & childbirth but i’m glad it’s finally recovered in my life ;) (My son starting school this year has certainly helped! hahaha) Look forward to continued tips & techniques on how you keep the passion alive and on fire so well! ;)

    Lifecruiser: Quite normal I guess. Sooo, now we’re supposed to open a love advice bureau huh? *lol* (Actually I would at least think that it should be a very positive thing to work with, if I were ready to work ;-)

    Haddock said:

    That actually did make me laugh at loud!

    Happy Anniversary! :smile:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Good!!! We like that, a laugh expands our lifetime :-)