
farosommar 011
♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥

Even if it’is “only” straws standing there, it’s truly magic anyway. They grow on the big rocks called raukar (seastacks) at the shore line at FÃ¥rö outside Sweden’s east coast.

If it were in a garden, we would have thought that it was a bit sparingly, wanting lots of flowers to explode in bloom – most people.

I think it’s beauty even in straws, especially these ones on the sandy beach at our engagement beach Norsta Aurar. I love to watch these photos when the winter is at it’s worst here in Sweden and remember the hot sand… *dreaming*

farosommar 335

For the past days, we’ve felt a change in the air, the autumn is announcing it’s entrance even if it isn’t that cold – yet. I feel sadness, because I love the spring & summer and hate the rest of the year here. Not only because all the flowers go to sleep, butt the damp and cold makes my back & muscles worse.

I wonder what they say in UK – who have had it worse than we have this summer? It seems like they only had good weather when Gattina was there… *giggles*

Let’s hop over to Gattina and have some heavy partying in UK’s wonderful east coast :-)

Current cyber cruise port:
South East Coast of UK

What do you think about Lifecruisers new pass badges…?

Lifecruiser A-Team Guide Pass Gattina

Oh, and I might tell you about that secret island Monday, if you’re curious…? *giggles*

Captain ♥ Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
Dröbak in Southern Norway

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
Hiking in the French Alps (This week?)
Maui, Hawaii, US(After the 24th Aug)
Castle Howard in Yorkshire, England
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark – Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
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18 Comments on “Natures straws has no flaws”

    Mark UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Morning Captain, not grovelling but that top picture is spot on, really nice feel to it.
    I know what you mean about the weather, it has been c**p this year and if it wasn’t for going on holiday to find some sun i would be a shrivelled as a prune with all this rain. It is cold and wet again today and i think i will start to rust soon.
    Sounds like you could use a sauna or some time at a spa to help out your aches and pains….
    I’ll pop over to Gattia and see how her party is going.

    Cheers Mark

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I like these photos with the vegetation of shore! Weather is very important but I think people Who live in north countries have find the way of life to do the best they can to have fun, a friendly atmospher! Sorry to speak in french on Gattina’s blog today I will come back to meet you and all the other in the beautiful pub I saw the photo!

    Caledonia said:

    I love that top picture – very atmospheric. You can feel a change in the air here too but it doesn’t bother me so much. I’m a winter baby and I love frosty mornings – not that we had much of that last year. We seem to be one constant season these days.

    How about Castle Howard on Wednesday, 22 August? I’ll need to post it after work though since WP is being a pain. The entry is ready to go.

    I may have something else in the pipeline next weekend but it very much depends on the weather since it is an outdoor thing. See? We can all have secrets!

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    Love the passes!!! Gattina took us on a great excursion!!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    If I weren’t that modest (because my picture is on) the badge is great ! Very good idea looks like a identity card or a credit card (may I pay with it ??)
    Thanks for your comments and I am happy that you had enough to eat (I mean until now) but you can always come back and have some more porc sausages !!
    How sad that automn is already coming in Sweden. I hate that season it’s just a foretaste of the winter which I hate too ! I love the pictures with the sea grass some people dry it and keep it in a vase that also looks very nice.

    TorAa said:

    That is truely a romantic place for lovers and others that loves the nature. Not to speak about: “Will you marry me? – spot” – Not easy to run away from there – *giggles*.

    I love the A-Team ID-Card. Can I have the following text:

    Please treat this man with honour and grace. He will buy this establisment promptly, if not served for free – and you will be fired.
    Loi de Liberté

    btw. Rain stopped our planned Coastal walk – too glissy over the polished rocks.

    Genie UNITED STATES said:

    Yeah, I’ve been feeling the weather just start to turn here in Iowa, too…it makes me sad. Beautiful photos!

    Toni said:

    Hello Captain Lifecruiser, thank you very much for dropping by my blog. First of all, you have such a beautiful template. I love it! Second, I would be thrilled to join you guys in your cruises. I have read the information on the Cruiser Grades and will be doing just about that later on this week and the days to come. This is such a lovely idea!

    Sword Girl UNITED STATES said:

    That ID card is really awesome with Gattina! I love the oats too. I think they call it sea oats here. I love the green in “one” of your sea headers! The green – ahh! I’m gonna head over to England while the boys are off together. :-D

    Sara UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Beautiful scenic photography that made me wish I was on holiday!
    Sara from farmingfriends

    Aiyana UNITED STATES said:

    Beautiful photos! I can’t wait for signs of fall–which won’t come for another month here. It’s been a long, hot summer.

    Thomas UNITED STATES said:

    I’m glad the seasons are turning in your corner of the world. Here in GA, USA we’ve had three weeks of record heat. Three people on my crew were sent to the hospital in the space of a week.

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I drink to the S.O’.S health of all the cruisers! My Captain! Auf die gesundheit! Santé!!!
    I’m not used guiness and be sure to see the moustache around my mouth!
    I usually drink 33 export, Leffe now when I will visit a chic pub:” A Guiness, please!”
    love the atmospher of the pub but I ‘m thinking to the new place our ship will cruise! The mysterious isle…

    WendyWings said:

    Just swinging by to say hi, what a great blog event you are holding. I was so out of the blogging loop for so long I have a lot of catching up to do.
    Have a great week.

    Kuanyin UNITED STATES said:

    I love it when you wrote, the ” hot sands dreaming”…this is language that speaks to my soul.

    mar SPAIN said:

    Beautiful picture and what a romantic place for an engagement *sigh*
    Hot days are over in Spain according to the weather man. That means it won’t get over 26-27ºC until next year, which is fine with me. ..
    Love the id card, particularly the expiration date! but it sounds like an insurance trick somehow… no liabilities in case the boat sinks!
    Happy monday, Captain, I will wear my hiking boots this week to get that post ready :)


    Gorgeous photos, just beautiful. I feel completely cheated out of summer this year, though we thankfully haven’t had any floods where we’ve been. Back to France in September and looking forward to an Indian summer. I hope.

    kaykayzowie said:

    Sorry I haven’t been on in awhile but I’ve been onvacation but I’m back now. I am so jealous! Those are some really good pics. BTW, I like the badge ID too.

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