Comments on: Natures straws has no flaws Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Mon, 18 Feb 2013 15:24:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: kaykayzowie kaykayzowie Mon, 20 Aug 2007 21:51:02 +0000 Sorry I haven’t been on in awhile but I’ve been onvacation but I’m back now. I am so jealous! Those are some really good pics. BTW, I like the badge ID too.

By: A. A. Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:05:26 +0000 Gorgeous photos, just beautiful. I feel completely cheated out of summer this year, though we thankfully haven’t had any floods where we’ve been. Back to France in September and looking forward to an Indian summer. I hope.

By: mar mar Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:40:08 +0000 Beautiful picture and what a romantic place for an engagement *sigh*
Hot days are over in Spain according to the weather man. That means it won’t get over 26-27ºC until next year, which is fine with me. ..
Love the id card, particularly the expiration date! but it sounds like an insurance trick somehow… no liabilities in case the boat sinks!
Happy monday, Captain, I will wear my hiking boots this week to get that post ready :)

By: Kuanyin Kuanyin Mon, 20 Aug 2007 00:42:00 +0000 I love it when you wrote, the ” hot sands dreaming”…this is language that speaks to my soul.

By: WendyWings WendyWings Sun, 19 Aug 2007 21:26:45 +0000 Just swinging by to say hi, what a great blog event you are holding. I was so out of the blogging loop for so long I have a lot of catching up to do.
Have a great week.

By: claudie claudie Sun, 19 Aug 2007 20:56:59 +0000 I drink to the S.O’.S health of all the cruisers! My Captain! Auf die gesundheit! Santé!!!
I’m not used guiness and be sure to see the moustache around my mouth!
I usually drink 33 export, Leffe now when I will visit a chic pub:” A Guiness, please!”
love the atmospher of the pub but I ‘m thinking to the new place our ship will cruise! The mysterious isle…

By: Thomas Thomas Sun, 19 Aug 2007 19:28:18 +0000 I’m glad the seasons are turning in your corner of the world. Here in GA, USA we’ve had three weeks of record heat. Three people on my crew were sent to the hospital in the space of a week.

By: Aiyana Aiyana Sun, 19 Aug 2007 17:08:27 +0000 Beautiful photos! I can’t wait for signs of fall–which won’t come for another month here. It’s been a long, hot summer.

By: Sara Sara Sun, 19 Aug 2007 16:39:33 +0000 Beautiful scenic photography that made me wish I was on holiday!
Sara from farmingfriends

By: Sword Girl Sword Girl Sun, 19 Aug 2007 15:36:55 +0000 That ID card is really awesome with Gattina! I love the oats too. I think they call it sea oats here. I love the green in “one” of your sea headers! The green – ahh! I’m gonna head over to England while the boys are off together. :-D
