So far this cruise has been without any pirate mate!
This pirate is all made of flower, believe it or not. We saw him in the Bollenstreek flower parade in North Holland in 2005. I came to think about him now when we’re on this cruise ship. This one is actually a pirate I want to meet
It’s the closest I’ve been to the next port on the cyber cruise. Almost next doors. It will be so fun to see Waterloo and what the hostess have planned for us!
Guess what? She loves cats – so this is to bribe her so I might get some advantages
Host: Gattina
Do you want to hop aboard at next port? Read how in our post about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.
Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in Technorati
That’s really cute ! I am very busy to prepare my sightseeing !! See you later when you crawl out of your cabin !
Lifecruiser: Yes, this Captain now is going to sleep well, rest assured that the ship is in good hands now when we’ve almost reached port Waterloo – or Water Loo as I prefer to call it since you said it yourself
Good morning captain – hope you’ve had a good night sleep after we left Oslo harbor. It was really nice to have you in Oslo – Btw: did you bought anything in Kondomeriet after all?
This guys your showing us are really cute! and now I can hardly wait to enter Waterloo and eager to visit Gattina. See you around:-)
Lifecruiser: Slept yes, finally at 06:00 this morning. Good I don’t know… I felt like I have been sailing all night when I woke up
Now, now must I really SHOW all of you what I bought at the Kondomeriet…? Hm… Let me think about it for a while…. Where did I leave it after I went to bed this night….? *LOL*
After having troubles with Bloogle Glogger @”#& who lost my whole text while I clicked on “publish”, I am ready now ! Drinks are served and Waterloo ready for your visit ! You went to bed VERY late (reproachful look) so you will be late on my cruise (nah !)
Lifecruiser: Oh, my, poor you! And me… I’ts tough to be the Captain – I have to be everywhere 24h…!!!! I hope I will not steer you to total wrong port later… *lol*
I’ve been lurking around and seaing the bunch of you merry makers. I’m hoping that maybe I can hop aboard when Lifecruiser is docked in the USA?!
Lifecruiser: Everybody is free to meet us in the ports and party along temporarily, but if you intend to be a regular cruiser and maybe later even a A-Team Cruiser = allowed to host the cruise at your port, you need to become an A-Swab Team member at first.
Which means:
Wanna come you too?
Step 1: Everybody has to start in the A-Swab Team first to be guaranteed a bed in a berth on the ship. Link to us directly (not only in a meme blogroll).
Step 2: Tell us about it: lifecruiserteam at gmail dot com. Be crazy and we’d love to have you with us
There will be first class tickets on the cruise for the A-Team Cruisers, plus some other advantages, but the A-Swab Team will still have a funny and comfortable trip with us.
Wanna be an A-Team Cruiser? Visit us, comment, write posts about our events, make an application in the next admission round!
We’d love to have you with us
What amazing parade creatures, all made of flowers! I can’t imagine how much time was spent of the creation of these.
What a neat idea, this blog is!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Silvia
Yes, they aure are impressive!!!
Recovering from a seasick evening (read: drunk):lol:
I have the worlds worst headache, hate Dom and hoping the witches brew I drank will get me cleaned out and ready for my first FULL day at sea!, LOL!!! I love Swinglish!
Lifecruiser: He he… Good bad girl
LOL at your commenters mon Capitaine!
I’ve already been to Water Loo and it was fantastic! What a neat little town! I have my Belgium flag flying with me on my blog today!
Your flower shots are so beautiful and enticing for Waterloo’s Gattina’s cats!
I hope that Renny and TorAa are in fine form today! They put on quite the entertainment for us yesterday! If you haven’t seen their video, you must go and see it!
Oh Capitaine, let me tell you also you are doing an awesome job with the backgrounds here! I come and see worldly views, or nighttime stars, or sailing waves depending on the time of day I visit! Now I never know what to expect next!
Be back laters … I can’t miss the comments on this cruise! Hey and any joiners, tell us you were here! We need encouragement to pull off some more crazy stunts!
Lifecruiser: Oh, I’ve seen their video and it’s just AWESOME. As the whole day was! Fantastic hosts at this cruiser I must say!
What fun Waterloo was! I am so glad that Gattina got me up and made me go. She was so helpful providing me with several young hunky men to carry me due to my sore knee. I saw it all!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I enjoyed it as much as you! She was a terrific host
Poor girl, that was a short night ! and then climbing on the hill to kiss the Lion of Waterloo. Of course Waterloo is not pronounced the english way, it’s probably like swedish or german or dutch, everything except english. BTW the Dutchs are not all tall ! My daughter in L to be is 1.60 m long ! and the parents are also shorter than we. My son is like me he always has to do the other way around than normal people so he choose the shortest dutch girl in whole Holland !
Have a nice shopping !
PS I think people have a lot of fun with the cruise and the video of our Wikings was great !
Lifecruiser: Phust. Yes. That climbing. You’ve been a wonderful host Gattina, loved to be in Waterloo!!!
Yes, the cruise seem to be a success so far and yet much more is tom come!!!! What a teamwork we’re pulling through here!
Is the cook with you in your cabine ? I don’t find him he should prepare something now ! Don’t mix up pleasure with work and free the poor man !
Lifecruiser: I think he must have fell down in the cargo room as Mar did the other night. We simply MUST do something about thae security in that cargo room!
I’m THE Pirate. shss. Don’t tell I’m coming back as sooooooo aaas possible wiht — moooo…
Lifecruiser: I’m not telling any one. I’m quiet as a mouse that’s spotted by your cats….
LOL! Well… I could handle THAT pirate! If he tries anything I’ll just get out my shears! … cut ‘em down to size! Aargh Aargh Matey!
Isn’t Waterloo fabulous! I’m having such fun wandering around the town! I’m still looking for a hat shop though! Haven’t found one yet!
Lifecruiser: Oh, this cruise is almost killing me Melli! There is such an entertainment around all the time!
I have to check up if you got that hat yet!
*I’m off*
There is an Italian here (no food, that”s why I am looking for the cook) and he yowls loud for food together with four cats ! So I have to leave my housewife duties are calling me ! He, he !
Lifecruiser: Oh, better keep the Italian happy and not yowling!
What fun, I have to hurry now , I have my checklist for tomorrow’s tour so I am busy and will join you for a late drink on deck later on. Cheers!!!
Lifecruiser: Dear Mar, we’re soooo looking forward to see Barcelona – and feel the warmth from the sun…. Mmmm….
I love Gattina’s tour of Waterloo – I can’t comment there (blogger won’t let me open comments for some reason) – so I’m commenting here. Just saying ……
I guess I had sea sickness yesterday – that must have been it – I was down for the count yesterday
– but I’m recovering today
Lifecruiser: That darn Blogger. I hate it. It makes so much trouble all the time. Oh, we have to do something about people’s seasickness….
Any one having a good recipe against seasickness?
More Dom???? *lol*
Thanks all for another wonderful day in the Cyber Cruise. It has been wonderful to meet all of you – some good old friends and some brand new! It’s along time since I’ve met so many lovely, funny and curative cruisers!
Gattina: Thanks for hosting us in such a wonderful way in Waterloo – I really enjoy the stay and so lovely to learn that much about this wonderful place!
See you tomorrow in sunny Barcelona – looking forward to meet you there Mar:-)
Lifecruiser: Oh, early retiring to your cabin are you? Well, you had a tough night yesterday being host and all, so you really earned a lot of compliments for making it so pleasant for all of us!
Cheers to you and Tor
I may just have to pirate that cat with all the flowers and place it in my Canadian garden! It’s a beauty. Hope it doesn’t fall overboard…you know how they hate water!!
Lifecruiser: Oh, yes… could become a problem if the sea gets rough….
Bonsoir mon capitaine!
Water Loo was a very nice tour but as Beth I had a problem to publish my comment but I could do it in anonyme! learn and enjoy! This is the quality of this sailing tour! But now it’s the beginning of a marvellous night under the stars! I will try to find friends who want to learn me the poker! Champagne!!!
Lifecruiser: Bonsoir mon ami Claudie
I’m so glad you’re having a fabulous time with us here on the ship. Seek after Mr L if you want to learn poker – he is a constant player.
Here, let me fill upp you glass! Cheers!
Ujjjjjj… how cool are these?! And how long did it take to put all those lovely flowers together?!?! Oh my…
Oh captain, my captain – if you ever come to the Netherlands again… please drop me a line – it´s only far on the map, so I´ll drop by and bring the DOM
Lifecruiser: Yes! A long time – according to them several months with all the preparations involved!
I hear you – and I will
THAT would be just outstanding!!!!! What a meeting
I am slowly reading through Gattina’s tour of Waterloo. I want to see the Waterloo lion in person someday. I have pictures of one of the lions at the Art Institute of Chicago here in the States and that is pretty.
Lifecruiser: Yes, I wouldn’t have anything against itto go there myself!
Cherrs my captain!
Yes I really would want to learn poker! And I’sure to learn quickly with this excellent champagne!
I suggere you visit my space if you have a little moment! just a few time! I know how busy you are on the ship!
Lifecruiser: Excellent my cruiserfriend!
We set sails for Barcelona now to visit Mar all Monday. I have no idea what she’s up to show us, but I expect much from this fabulous place in Spain. Barcelona is a very popular city and with very niiiiice climate, so bring your most fashionable bikini that makes all Spanish men whistles after you!
Hasta la vista amigo!
Hi my friends, old and new! I am looking for that nudist beach…the one in Barcelona named Barceloneta…beautiful 4.2 km of sandy beach…. Of course, I am going to be wearing my long sleeved, long cotten pants jumpsuit…I don’t “do” the sun…I am a pale, blonde gal ….ok, more like WHITE as RICE…but I read up on my behavior at the nudist beach…here’s what I found..
A Guide to Nudist Beach Behavior
If you’ve never been to a nudist beach before, here are a few guidelines:
Gawking is impolite. If you want to go to the nudist beach for a thrill, do everyone a favor and buy a magazine instead. (or buy the DVD)
Ask for people’s consent before taking their photograph nude. (yes, be SURE to ask first, I am very sensitive to the flash from photographic cameraa! I dont want to be burned!)
If you’re sunbathing nude in a secluded area, leave a bathing suit on a rock to let others know they are approaching an unclothed person. If you’re uncomfortable having your suit out of reach, bring a spare. (or better yet, put a red bandana on a stick and poke it in the sand!)
On a wide open beach, position yourself in the open so you can see people coming and put something on before they get there if you need to. (and you can also make sure the paparrazi won’t be taking up close photos to put you on the front page of a rag mag!)
Get dressed before you leave the nudist beach. (THERE”S A NOVEL IDEA!)
Be friendly, but respect others’ rights to privacy. (I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS)
Lifecruiser: Nudist beach? Are you kidding me? where? I must help you to search!!!!
I wanna go there too, but I’m only wearing a red bandana on the head. After a while I’m gonna be red all over so it will LOOK like I have a red dress on. Ha ha, fooled!
I wonder though, where I shall hide my camera…..?
Any Norwegian Aass beer on deck? That sounds like a great hoot. Speaking of asses, were we supposed to kiss the Lion’s bottom in Waterloo? Like, mwah dahling! [btw - 'dahling' means "monkey's ass" in Thai, so i thought it was highly appropriate to share that]
Great cruise captain! [raises another toast to the Captain & great hosts on this wonderful adventure so far!]
Lifecruiser: Great cruisers, cruiser (_)(_)
Yes, butt I bailed out on that one, I have enough with Mr L
There are a lot of Asses here, I just don’t know if it’s the right kind? *lol*
The pirate and the cat looks really adorable, especially since they are made of flowers! That’s a lot of work, but kudos to them for creating such a magnificent pirate!
I got to rush now to the airport and fly to Spain and catch the tour and ship on time. =P
Lifecruiser: Thanks! C U in Barceloooooona
Oh I am not doing so well on this cruise. I have gotten lost somehow and need to find my way to the top of the ship not down here in the bilge! I will be out soon or maybe I will need to have you send me more DOM until I can catch up!
Lifecruiser: What are you doing down there? Isn’t it enough with Mar falling down in the cargo room the other night? Maybe you need some support here huh?
Here, have a couple of bottles of Dom!