Mrs Lifecruiser no view out
Join Wordless Wednesday

11 Comments on “No view out”


    I like the picture although I think if I lived there I would have painted faces on the window..

    Lifecruiser: Oh, some cool graffiti huh? *lol* Think I’d love to see that!

    TorAa UNITED KINGDOM said:

    I’m so dissapointed: A room without a vue. Hope that will not set the standard or 2007.LoL.

    Great picture and matas well

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, but certainly not the right standard we would want huh? *lol*

    TorAa UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Sorry, my eyes do me lot’s of tricks these days:

    Last sentence:
    Great picture and romantic as well

    Lifecruiser: So that was it was :-)

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    Interesting picture! Not my idea of a great view! Hope you don’t have a window like this! Happy Wednesday my friend my photo is up!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s really interesting - on a distance! *lol*


    great shot! mine’s up! :wink:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ribbiticus :-)

    michelle UNITED STATES said:

    Are you inside looking out or outside looking in! Or maybe its one of decor things! Quite interesting! Mine’s up!

    Lifecruiser: This is an old house around Ulriksdals Castle in the outskirts of Stockholm. I found it very interesting. i love old buildings.

    michelle UNITED STATES said:

    Oops! I messed up my link on the previous post!

    Lifecruiser: Would be easier if it were written automatically huh? *lol*

    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    Ha, I’d hate to be INSIDE ;). Happy WW!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, that would certainly feel like being in jail huh? *S*

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    … but a great view standing outside =)
    I know I´m way too late, but I hope you visit my WW nonetheless =)

    Thanks a lot!

    Lifecruiser: well, better late than never huh? ‘lol* Of course I’ll pop over!


    Don’t like the window that’s closed :wink: . It should be opened for the occupants to breath in the fresh air! :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I totally agree with you!!!

    sisiggy UNITED STATES said:

    I think it’s just pretending to be a window. Like a painting of a window on the brick wall. Which would be very bizarre.

    Lifecruiser: Hm. Interesting yes, bizarre yes, but nice? No. *LOL*

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