When out traveling, you get to meet a lot of wonderful people, but also equally wonderful animals, right?
Above you can see TorAa and Anna’s cat Felicia, which we met on our visit to Norway. She told us to relax and have a cozy time there. Which we did. We had some really nice scratching moments together.
It actually felt just as when you meet certain people – like Tor and Anna – you just get along with each other instantly without any explanations needed. It’s like you have known each other for years.
We had some really interesting cat chat moments about her romantic escapades, but sorry – I promised Felicia to not tell anyone, it’s our secret… *giggles*
Felicia even dropped by (jumping in under the roof into our bedroom) in the middle of the night to crunch on some night snacks. We were warned in advance that she might do that, but she avoided to jump on my belly, which I think was very thoughtful of her.
Rosa on the other hand, accepted us, but stayed on a safe distance. I think that she had some difficulties to understand the strange Swedish language – and crazy Swedes…. *giggles*
Though as you can see on this photo above, she was really having a cozy time there too. Just look at her face expression. Relaxed. Yes. Satisfied. Yes. As only cats can be.
…and no wonder, since these cats are taken care of to 100% – even before Tor’s and Anna’s own needs! Nothing is too difficult to do for those precious family members.
I tell you -those cats can eat! This hungry monster (me) is making big eyes at their consumption!!!
Maybe it’s quality of the food, the good times they have or the Manx breed, but I were amazed over how very few cat hairs we got on our clothes while being there. Almost zero.
Usually when visiting cat owners – and especially when scratching them like I always does – you get so much cat hairs stuck on you. I’m not complaining, it’s very easy to get rid off them, this is just an observation.
I believe that cats (and other pets) personalities somewhat are reflecting their owners and with such nice owners, how can Felicia & Rosa be anything other than wonderful personalities?
Another funny coincidence: the photos of them really matches my blog colors right now, and look how Felicia’s face in the top photo – and eye color – matches the ghost face!
They’ve just moved back to the winter home again, which means that they’ll stay indoors, but I’m sure Felicia is quite happy to be able to shut herself into the closet again!
Even a cat needs some privacy sometimes…
Lifecruiser ♥ Cats
My cats Au and Target cover us with fur before we go out – just to send a message to other kitties that we already serve our furry friends
Hiya Ms. Lifecruiser, I was late here in greeting you but Happy Belated Birthday to you. I swing by from Tor’s blog
What a cutie catty! I love the shot on the very first photo!
Here is where I posted my cats entry for this week. Hope you could drop by.
FamiliaKhuletzs last blog post..Feeding Time
You’re right, Tor and Anna’s cats are well loved and beautiful animals. I love reading about the conversations Tor has with them…in Norwegian, of course. Their cats are very intelligent…they know what’s what. Lovely photos, too.
Puss in Bootss last blog post..Ruminations…
Is it just me, or does Rosa look like she’s in need of some dieting?
How nice to participate in COT ! Of course I know Felicia and Rosa very well, they participate in COT. Very cute cats btw. But you know not all cats behave like their owners ! Kim for example runs away and hides no question to even look at her, exactly like me !
Gattinas last blog post..
Miovly post.
Rosa and Felicia are excited and they miss you both.
They are very selective concerning people. By some reasons they seems to love fellow bloggers. As though they understand we know each others. Smart animals.
Thanks for all the positive comments regarding us, it’s hereby returned as valid for you as well.
How wonderful to meet such great cats and people on your travels
Hello, this is Anna commenting on your wonderful blog. It is a pleasure to read the description of our cats. It was also a great pleasure to see how attractet they were to you and Bosse! They are very selective.
They are now comfortable in their winterhome, again. They never complain , but are very pleased with the standard here. They are espessially pleased with their hot fishdish in the afternoon. (Keeps them slim and strong.)
I have no problem of selecting true friends. Rosa and Felicia decides who is who!
Big hugs from Rosa, Felis and Anna!
I’m glad that you were welcomed by the whole family! Cats seem to have their own way of communicating. I think your photographs are very well done!! Happy belated bithday as well!!
DianeCAs last blog post..Getting away in the fall mountains of Norway
A cat without cat hairs??? Oh, that sounds divine!
Yes, I think you’re right about cats being very much like their owners. My cat likes to relax a lot as do I!
Kuanyins last blog post..Cats On Tuesday–Anela Relaxes
Love your Halloween decor here my friend!!!
I have a Halloween Treat for you on My Wordless Wednesday!!!
The cats seem to be very proud. Ha ha. ;p
Doras last blog post..It Meows #3
Aww! They are sooo adorable! I just love cats. I think my Goku kinda has my personality and Pinkachu has J’s.
SwordMamas last blog post..kitty done stole my pillow
wat a cute cat …