So, it’s not only Monday morning, but I have to do pesty phone calls too….
Not exactly sexy ones, despite the high groaning factor and the fact that they all want my body in one way or another
No, what do you say about this:
1) The Dentist: I have a big hole in a tooth because I lost a big part of a porcelain filling there – of course on Friday evening when no dentist is available. It’s has been aching all weekend. Going to the dentist is very expensive here in Sweden and this is exactly what I want to invest my money in right now…
2) Gynecologist: I have a hole that needs to be carefully investigated…. *giggles* Seriously, I have problems since I tested new birth control pills 3 years ago, I ve never gotten back to “normal” after that. So it’s not just a yearly control.
3) Doctor: I have several other health issues that needs to be taken care of, but finding a good doctor that cares about his patient’s and that also is willing to give me an appointment isn’t the easiest assignment in Sweden of today. What health issues? Oh, just some unimportant (according to the Doc’s reactions) things like my whole back, neck, joints, stomach, bowels and lack of iron. So I’ll continue to hunt for a good one.
4) The Hairdresser: Because of my health, probably the lack of iron, I’m going bald. I’ve lost about 50-60% of my hair, so I ‘ve not gone to the hairdresser for about 1,5 year now since I don’t go that often normally. I love to have rather long hair and now… *shivering with fear* I must go there and have a talk about my possibilities first before deciding.
I’ve been procastinating this for a very long time now – or not continued to find solutions.
So I’m bald, toothless with a very funny limp walk, but thankfully still loved and supported by Mr Lifecruiser, the most wonderful man in this world and in Universe! (Sorry folks, it’s the truth!)
Now, kick my ass to get me going!!!
*turning up my butt to get kicked*
Ouch, dentists suck, esp with the prices(norwegian here).
Taking iron substitutes not an option?
Lifecruiser: Yes, it does… Hm, it depends what you mean with iron substitutes. I’ve been ordinated 3 different kind of iron pills, which my stomach strongly says no to and I’ve been eating as much things containing iron that I can cope with. It’s a whole science just to shop grocerys… *lol*
What a day! Hope you survive it reasonably unscathed, well, not more than you are now already. Hey, I hope all four visits turn out great and offer you tons of solutions and new possibilities. Take care!
Lifecruiser: Yes, i hope that too, still getting on with the phone calls….
At least one good news on this long to do list your heart works well, the physical and emotional one ! That’s the most important, all the other things can be repaired. No, I don’t compare you to an old timer,:grin:
Lifecruiser: Yes, that’s a wonder. I love that fact
Have fun with all your appointments, ha,ha..
I do hope you find a decent doctor soon though..
Lifecruiser: I will – as soon as I can get there….
At least your sense of humor is in good shape for the shape you’re in. Sorry for these problems. I never heard of lack of iron causing hair fall out. Next thing you know you’ll be getting old too!
My MM is up.
Lifecruiser: Getting old? Well, my body seems to think that I’m about 78, but my mind is still left wayyyy back…. *lol* And the humor will be the last that leave me, at least if I’m somwhat alike my Mom
What a delightful perspective for the week to come. At least you have something to achieve, not like one of my colleagues on Friday. he didn’t came home in the afternoon. He died at work (heart – 50 years old) So cheer up. Be happy. It’s better to feel pain, than no feeling at all.
Sorry, Said in the best meaning. (I’m a bit chocked cause of this incident)
Hope you find the right doctor, the best dentist and that you get rid of all your worries.
Lifecruiser: Thanks. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that! It’s always so awful, because it happens so sudden and it’s so chocking. It’s things like this that make us understand that we don’t have unlimited time on this earth, so we must make the best of the days here.
I had my wake up call when my back were damaged – to change my life completely. I worked too much before that and was on my way to be burned out as well as a bad private life. That was before Mr L and I met
Today I live the life I want, except right now when I’m very limited because of my health issues. I’ve struggled hard every day with my back since (much more than I always show here in this blog), but lately there is just too many things accumulated to cope with.
And it has happened some other things that I haven’t written about here. It’s simply a couple of things too much to be able to bear sometimes, even with help of my humor. So I’m doing my best trying to do something about it….
Once again trying to change my life to the better and I’m determent to succeed!!!